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108.067 13.4896 109.584 13.4896ZM120.321 12.1459H120.876V13.8674H120.428C118.633 13.8674 117.458 14.7491 117.458 17.0802V23.2729H115.663V12.1459H117.458V14.1405H117.543C117.863 13.1334 118.697 12.1459 120.321 12.1459ZM129.938 20.2078C129.938 22.3494 128.314 23.4825 125.941 23.4825C123.548 23.4825 121.967 22.4749 121.838 20.2078H123.633C123.698 21.5726 124.724 22.0134 125.941 22.0134C127.159 22.0134 128.142 21.4884 128.142 20.3332C128.142 17.6253 121.967 19.4944 121.967 15.1068C121.967 13.2795 123.335 11.9358 125.834 11.9358C128.121 11.9358 129.639 13.0488 129.81 15.2111H128.014C127.908 13.9092 126.989 13.4054 125.834 13.4054C124.531 13.4054 123.719 13.9934 123.719 15.1068C123.719 17.7306 129.938 16.1139 129.938 20.2078ZM144.205 19.3886C144.205 22.0134 142.368 23.4825 139.546 23.4825C136.896 23.4825 134.716 22.223 134.439 19.4097H136.426C136.661 21.0683 137.858 21.8451 139.524 21.8451C141.427 21.8451 142.282 20.7322 142.282 19.4944C142.282 15.3159 134.674 17.7306 134.674 12.2513C134.674 9.90002 136.576 8.36745 139.226 8.36745C141.79 8.36745 143.927 9.60578 144.056 12.5032H142.068C141.897 10.7187 140.743 10.0048 139.205 10.0048C137.388 10.0048 136.597 11.0547 136.597 12.1666C136.597 15.862 144.205 13.6785 144.205 19.3886ZM152.316 13.4896H152.228C151.744 12.5074 150.821 11.9358 149.645 11.9358C146.845 11.9358 145.563 13.8256 145.563 16.8907V18.5281C145.563 21.5932 146.845 23.4825 149.645 23.4825C150.821 23.4825 151.744 22.9109 152.228 21.9293H152.316V23.2729V26.8418H154.112V12.1459H152.316V13.4896ZM149.858 21.9293C148.32 21.9293 147.379 21.0683 147.379 18.4233V16.9955C147.379 14.3501 148.32 13.4896 149.858 13.4896C151.397 13.4896 152.338 14.3501 152.338 16.9955V18.4233C152.338 21.0683 151.397 21.9293 149.858 21.9293ZM162.356 12.1459H164.151V23.2729H162.356V21.8451H162.271C161.843 22.7474 160.924 23.4825 159.493 23.4825C157.377 23.4825 156.073 22.3066 156.073 19.6823V12.1459H157.89V19.4309C157.89 21.2154 158.638 21.9922 159.984 21.9922C161.288 21.9922 162.356 21.1312 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The Field QA Manager role is stationed in Devens, MA and reports to the Senior Manager, Field Quality Assurance for the Devens CTF. This position works on a rotating night shift from 6pm - 6am Oversee performance of QA shop floor activities. Supervise Field Quality Assurance employees. Ensure manufacturing compliance with applicable procedures and batch records. Perform real time review of manufacturing batch records. Review manufacturing shop floor documentation. Must have strong authorship and ability to critically review investigations, interpret results and generate technical conclusions consistent with Quality risk management principles. Must be skilled in planning and organizing, decision-making, and building relationships. Knowledge of quality processes, including material disposition, change control, product complaints, deviations, investigations, and CAPA management. Previous Supervisory/Managerial Experience is preferred. Must be action-oriented and skilled in decision-making, building relationships, problem solving, conflict management, planning and organizing, resource allocation, coaching others, and analytical thinking. Understands continuous improvement and improves efficiency and productivity within the group or project. Builds relationships internally within and with cross functional teams. Must have sound knowledge and experience in FDA regulated cGMP warehousing, Quality, and compliance environments. Prefer to also have knowledge of GMP Manufacturing operations and processes. Directs quality initiatives that accomplish continuous improvement and enhance site quality system efficiencies. Routinely recognizes and resolves Quality issues; Informs management of proposed solutions. Seeks management guidance on complex issues. Able to recognize conflict and notify management with proposed recommendations for resolution. Must possess an independent mindset. Work is self-directed. Requires little direction to complete more complex tasks; completes routine tasks with little or no supervision. Able to provide directions to others within the team. Confident in making decisions for non-routine issues. Develops and revises procedures. Intermediate to advanced ability to interpret results and situations and articulate recommendations for resolution. Able to prepare written communications and communicate problems to management with clarity and accuracy. Able to effectively multi-task. Knowledge of US and global cGMP requirements. Supervisory experience highly preferred. High School Degree required. Relevant college or university degree preferred. Minimum 6+ years relevant work experience, with at least 3 years in a Quality Assurance role. Equivalent combination of education and experience acceptable.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137463608578", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Devens - MA - US", "RequisitionID": "R1584730", "canonical_title": "Shift Manager", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464086450, "name": "Co-Op - Cardiovascular Translational Research (Fall 2025)", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726583479, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585568", "display_job_id": "R1585568", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585568-hu", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Position Summary The Immunology and Cardiovascular Translational Research group within the Immunology and Cardiovascular Thematic Research Center (ICV-TRC) at BMS seeks to understand hypothesis-driven disease pathophysiology to enable patient selection and stratification in clinical trials. The team is highly focused on identifying circulating biomarkers of disease severity to enhance patient stratification and aid the testing of cardiovascular and Immunology early discovery preclinical candidates. The Immunology and Cardiovascular Translational Research group seeks a talented and highly motivated graduate student interested in a scientific environment that offers hands-on translational research experience in a team\u2010orientated, fast-paced environment. The student, working closely with a mentor, will be assigned an exciting project to identify non-invasive biomarkers through human repository sample procurement, processing, analysis, and interpretation of findings using a multiple-modality approach. During the 6-month program, the student will be mentored in the development of critical thinking, laboratory skills, translational application to the clinic and preclinical candidates, data and literature analysis, and presentation/verbal communication skills. A Co-op position in the Immunology and Cardiovascular Translational Research group with a focus on biomarker identification is a valuable opportunity for a graduate student to perform innovative work that will impact early drug discovery pipeline transitions by providing the translational component, to learn about the drug development process in a highly dynamic environment, and to develop educational and technical skills for application towards a scientific career path and career-oriented decisions. Key Responsibilities Actively contribute to translational project which is aligned with the Immunology and Cardiovascular Translational Research objectives and participate in BMS Co-op program requirements. Responsibilities may include laboratory work, literature/data review, and/or computational analyses. Present Co-op project at the Immunology and Cardiovascular Translational Research lab meetings and at the conclusion of the program to the Immunology and Cardiovascular Translational Early Development Team. Qualifications & Experience Current graduate student with good standing in biological science graduate program; a demonstrated emphasis in translational biomarkers (preferred). Completion of at least first year in an accredited graduate degree program. Availability for full-time employment (40 hrs/week) throughout 6-month program period (must ensure that leave approval is granted by graduate degree program and advisor before applying). Experience in wet lab experimentation, analysis & interpretation of results is required. Interpersonal and collaboration skills, including the willingness and ability to foster working relationships with a range of stakeholders. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464086450", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585568", "canonical_title": "Co Op", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464086736, "name": "Co-Op - Computational Genomics (Spring 2025)", "location": "Field - United States - US", "locations": ["Field - United States - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726584507, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585571", "display_job_id": "R1585571", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585571-hu", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Position Summary We are looking for passionate graduate students who are seeking a six-month Co-op opportunity to learn, grow, and work alongside other talents. The Co-op participant will work in Computational Genomics (CG) under the guidance of an experienced scientist. Through the application of innovative bioinformatics tools and methods, CG is responsible for analyzing genomics NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) data sets generated from pre-clinical and clinical studies. These include RNA-Seq, Exome (WES) and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS). CG interacts with and influences all aspects of R&D (Research & Development) at BMS, from early discovery through late-stage development. The Co-op will also provide an opportunity to gain an understanding of the drug development process through interactions with project teams and networking with individuals from multiple disciplines in BMS. The Co-op participant will have the opportunity to understand and contribute to various aspects of CG including NGS data analysis, development of computational pipelines and assist in expanding the teams NGS capabilities. Key Responsibilities The co-op program would play a crucial role in advancing the state-of-the-art in genomic analysis by integrating personalized and population-specific approaches into existing BMS WES and WGS pipelines. This would involve optimizing workflows, collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and ensuring that these improvements lead to more accurate, comprehensive, and clinically relevant genomic analyses. A summary of some of the responsibilities include: Enhancing Variant Calling Accuracy: Work on integrating pangenomic references, personalized genomes and imputation approaches into the variant calling pipelines to account for population-specific genetic diversity, leading to more accurate variant detection across different ethnicities and populations. Optimization of Personalized Genomic Analysis: Generate personalized reference genomes based on individual genetic backgrounds. Implement and optimize up-to-date pipelines that utilize personalized genomes for variant calling, reducing biases and improving the detection of rare and complex variants. Tool Implementation and Automation of Workflows: Adapt existing tools to incorporate pangenomic references, personalized genomes, and imputation approaches seamlessly into existing pipelines. Pipeline Automation and Optimization: Optimize the computational performance of the WES and WGS pipelines, focusing on reducing runtime and computational resource usage while maintaining or improving accuracy. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Understanding and showing the impact of improved variant calling identified through pangenomic and personalized genome approaches, focusing on clinically relevant biomarkers (Tumor Mutational Burden-TMB and Microsatellite Instability-MSI). Quality Control and Validation: Perform benchmarking studies to compare the performance of the improved pipeline against traditional methods, focusing on sensitivity, specificity, and overall variant calling accuracy. Develop and implement quality control measures to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of the results generated by the pipeline. Collaboration and Cross-functional Communication: Work closely with bioinformaticians, molecular biologists, and clinical geneticists to ensure that the improvements in the variant calling pipeline meet the needs of different stakeholders. Document the developed tools, methods, and workflows and provide training to other team members or end-users to ensure smooth implementation and adoption. Qualifications & Experience Senior M.S. or Ph.D. graduate student in Bioinformatics, Computer Science or related field, no work experience required. Fluency with Linux-based high-performance computing environments, including python, Linux shell scripting, R, ssh and git. Experience with DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq pipelines and data a plus. Experience with pipeline development and deployment via Docker, Common Workflow Language (CWL) a plus. Some hands-on experience with common NGS tools (GATK, Picard, etc.) a plus. Strong problem-solving and collaboration skills, and rigorous and creative thinking. Excellent written and oral communication skills, including an ability to explain complex ideas to computational scientists, experimentalists, and clinicians. The ability to collaborate with diverse groups across the organization and solve problems that will benefit downstream analysts and decision-making teams. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464086736", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Field - United States - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585571", "canonical_title": "Co Op", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464089455, "name": "Summer 2025 - Pharmacometrics Internship", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726597706, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585587", "display_job_id": "R1585587", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585587-hu", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Position Summary We are looking for passionate undergraduate and graduate students who are seeking summer internship opportunities to learn, grow, and work alongside with other talents. The Intern will work in Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacometrics, and Bioanalysis (CPPB) with a specific focus on pharmacometrics related projects, under the guidance of an experienced scientist. The project will include hands-on pharmacometrics analysis and may include pharmacokinetic (PK) and exposure-response modeling of clinical data. As part of the Bristol Myers Squibb Intern Program, the internship will also provide an opportunity to gain understanding of the drug development process through interactions with matrix drug development teams, as well as networking opportunities with other interns/BMS colleagues. Key Responsibilities Work with an experienced employee(s) in the pharmacometrics group on a project applicable to one or more of the following: Population Pharmacokinetic modeling Exposure-Response modeling Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modeling Machine Learning Initiatives in Pharmacometrics Tasks may include: To prepare analysis datasets for pharmacometrics analysis of PK, biomarker, efficacy, and safety data; To perform exploratory data analysis of PK, biomarker, efficacy, and safety data; To develop pharmacometrics models to describe clinical observations of drug concentrations and biomarker/efficacy/safety responses; To characterize the relationship between drug exposure and biomarker/efficacy/safety responses; If needed, work closely and collaborate with other colleagues and subject matter experts; Present analyses results, typically as a scientific poster and at a meeting to a greater team of colleagues. Qualifications & Experience Candidate should be enrolled in a graduate program (Ph.D., M.S., PharmD) or undergraduate program (when applicable) in Pharmaceutical Sciences/Pharmacy, Engineering, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Sciences, Data Sciences, Mathematics or Statistics. Ideal candidates should be familiar with quantitative methods. Hands-on experience or formal classes/workshops with one of the modeling tools such as NONMEM, Monolix, Phoenix/NLME, R, SAS, Python, or MATLAB. Competitive candidates should have excellent oral and written communications skills and strong problem-solving skills. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464089455", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585587", "canonical_title": "Internship", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464085708, "name": "2025 Summer Internship Product Development", "location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "locations": ["New Brunswick - NJ - US", "Summit West - NJ - US", "Devens - MA - US", "Madison - Giralda - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726577843, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585560", "display_job_id": "R1585560", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585560-hu", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Product Development works with colleagues throughout the entire pharmaceutical development process, from discovery to commercial launch and beyond. Whether it is small molecule or biological therapeutics, PD delivers optimized chemical syntheses, formulations, and control strategies for our products. Additionally, PD manufactures, packages, labels, and distributes all of the clinical supplies for each and every clinical study that our company runs in more than 50 countries. We are looking for candidates who are proven team players; appreciate the challenge of pursuing unique scientific discovery in an emerging field; and who demonstrate solid operational, interpersonal, project management and collaborative skills. We believe this starts with our summer intern program. Summer interns will work with mentors for ~10 weeks on a guided research project within a PD Project Team. The program is organized to ensure that interns gain valuable industry and functional experience, work on challenging assignments, learn about BMS and meet diverse company representatives. (NJ locations include New Brunswick, Summit, Madison OR Devens, MA) The program will feature: An orientation, including an overview of company structure, products and brands An introduction to the GPS and PD organizations Exposure to senior management and business leaders Formal presentation at the end of your internship A mentor program Formal review and feedback sessions Intern programming including speaker series, learning and development sessions, volunteering and networking events Program Dates: Monday June 2, 2025 - Friday, August 8, 2025. Applications are currently being accepted and may be selected on a rolling basis. Please apply by November 15, 2024; those selected will be notified no later than February 2025. Please note: onsite interns that will reside more than 50 miles away from the work location may be eligible to receive a travel/housing stipend. Requirements: Candidates must be currently enrolled in an accredited university program seeking an undergraduate or dual-degree (e.g., B.A., B.S., B.A./M.A., B.S./M.S. in biochemistry, biology, biomedical engineering, business analytics, chemical engineering, chemistry, industrial engineering, pharmacy or supply chain. Seniors graduating in Spring or Summer 2025 are eligible to apply only if they will be continuing their education for the following semester (Fall 2025). Must include GPA on resume for consideration (program requires GPA of 3.0 or greater). Must have good oral/written communication skills and be able to work in a team environment. All candidates must be authorized to work in the US without sponsorship needs now or in the future. BMSEC, BMSINTERN If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464085708", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585560", "canonical_title": "Summer Internship", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464088105, "name": "Co-Op - Immunology Translational Research - Translational Early Development (Spring 2025)", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726587662, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585575", "display_job_id": "R1585575", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585575-hu", "job_description": "Actively contribute to translational research project aligned with Immunology translational research objectives Participate in BMS Co-op program requirements. Responsibilities may include wet laboratory work, literature/data review, and/or computational analyses. Present project progress at bi-weekly lab meetings and Translational Early Development Team at the conclusion of the program. Current graduate student with good standing in biological science graduate program Experience in wet lab experimentation, data analysis & interpretation of results is required. Hands on experience in immunologic assays (flow cytometry, primary cell culture, functional assays) is preferred. Completion of at least first year in an accredited graduate degree program. Available for full-time employment (40 hrs/week) throughout 6-month program period. (Ensure that leave approval is granted by graduate degree program and advisor before applying) Strong interpersonal and collaboration skills, and ability to work with a range of stakeholders.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464088105", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585575", "canonical_title": "Research Development", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464089286, "name": "Summer 2025 - Bioanalysis Internship", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US", "Cambridge Crossing - MA - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726596135, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585585", "display_job_id": "R1585585", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585585-hu", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Position Summary Students will be assigned an exciting project that provides a basis for an industry experience for learning new technologies, developing novel methodology, and/or analyzing literature/data to facilitate the generation of science-driven decisions for specific discovery and development programs. Projects will be offered in both discovery-facing functions and development-facing specialized laboratories and disciplines within Bioanalysis. The internship will include understanding of the hypothesis-driven investigations that enable scientists to present data that supports informed decision-making throughout the drug discovery and development process. This research directly contributes to greater potential success of drug candidates for patients. These studies will include current novel needs in bioanalytical and biotransformation methodologies, including LC-MS, Ligand Binding Assays (ELISA), molecular biology techniques (DNA/RNA isolation, qPCR/ddPCR), and cell culture and cell-based bioassays (Flow Cytometry & Cytokine/Reporter Assays) to support complex Multi domain biologics, Cell and Gene Therapy programs. In addition, students will be mentored in development of critical thinking, risk/benefit assessment, multi\u2010tasking capabilities, scientific writing and presentation skills, and building collaborative relationships. During the 10\u2010week internship, students will be immersed in the drug discovery and development process and learn about the broader BMS organization. In addition, there will be opportunities to meet with numerous cross-functional team members within Research and Early Development at BMS to explore the various roles and responsibilities that are integrated to develop successful drug discovery pipelines and bring pharmaceuticals through development. Key Responsibilities Directly contribute to assigned project with manager support, which is aligned with BMS Bioanalysis responsibilities and student experiences / goals. Responsibilities will vary with assigned project, but can include: laboratory work, literature/data review, and/or computational analyses. Active participation in informal networking/mentor meetings and formal symposiums. Presentation of overall project and scientific findings at the conclusion of the internship. Qualifications & Experience Undergraduate student, enrolled in an academic program for the Fall of 2025, with demonstrated interest and effort within biology, chemistry, computational sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical engineering, and related disciplines. Undergraduate student should have continued interest in pursuing academic endeavors or a career in the sciences after graduation. Availability for full-time employment (40 hrs/week) throughout the 10-week internship period of June 2, 2025 to August 8, 2025 If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464089286", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585585", "canonical_title": "Internship", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464089352, "name": "Summer 2025 - Bioanalysis Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Internship", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726596775, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585586", "display_job_id": "R1585586", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585586-hu", "job_description": "The student will be responsible for: Creating a dataset: Compile a dataset of CelMod/LDD chiral compounds with known chromatographic conditions and enantioresolution on a specific chiral column (chiral selector). Calculating descriptors: Calculate relevant molecular descriptors, including those that capture the stereochemical properties of the chiral compounds. Initial Model Development: Develop a preliminary ML model to correlate molecular descriptors with experimental enantioresolution (Rs). Model Optimization: Use experimental data to train the ML model to assess its predictability for chiral separation (Rs). By analyzing experimental enantioresolution data along with multiple chiral recognition mechanisms, this ML model could provide valuable insights for chiral separation and recommendations on chiral columns for starting LC/SFC assays, needed for future chiral drug candidates. This innovative approach has the potential to significantly accelerate the development of chiral separation methods, reduce experimental costs, and increase the throughput in the bioanalysis of development compounds. The ideal candidate for this internship should have a computer science background, preferably at M.S. or PhD student level, with experience in model development, coding and data analysis using Python, Java, or other computer programing languages. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464089352", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585586", "canonical_title": "Internship", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464078153, "name": "Sr. Scientist Molecular Genomics", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Research and Early Development", "t_update": 1726503271, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585526", "display_job_id": "R1585526", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585526-hu", "job_description": "Work closely with data analysis teams as well as sample management and clinical operation teams on programs. Provide mentorship and leadership within the MAD lab team. Work to develop a lean organization with highly efficient genomics processes and best practices. Bachelor's Degree 8+ years of academic and / or industry experience Or Master's Degree 6+ years of academic and / or industry experience Or Ph.D. or equivalent advanced degree in the Life Sciences 4+ years of academic and / or industry experience The successful candidate must be capable of working and operating in a laboratory environment for the entirety of their work schedule. Significant experience and subject matter expertise in PCR, NGS or GEP application, significant technology and lab experience is a must. The candidate must demonstrate significant work experience in clinical assay development for genomics assets preferably in a pharma, biotech, diagnostic or clinical lab setting. Expertise and demonstrated ability to develop assays, oversee assay validation inhouse or with external vendors, develop appropriate controls/ QC methodology, oversee clinical sample analysis and assay performance and help develop and deliver program genomics biomarker strategic plans. Expertise, in-depth hands-on experience is expected in genomics platforms (NGS, qPCR, variant analysis platforms) for assay development, qualification/validation, troubleshooting, and reviewing run QC data. Experience with additional technologies leveraged for ctDNA analysis and GEP analysis is considered a critical requirement for this role. Understanding of fit for purpose genomics assay validation principles for clinical assays. Expertise in serving as subject matter expert on technology specific data structure, data analysis, data QC in working with data analysis team and biostatistics teams. Basic understanding of IP, contracting terms and provisions Must have strong organizational, communication, interpersonal and collaborative skills. Must display excellent leadership and mentoring qualities for technical team and matrixed team. Familiarity with genomics assay qualification/validation guidelines and guidance (FDA, CAP, CLIA, ACMG, NYSDOH, global regulatory requirements for assay development). Basic understanding of IVD quality system standards (21 CFR part 820, ISO13485) would be a plus. Knowledge of clinical sample analysis regulatory and quality frameworks and guidance in the lab and at vendors (such as GCP, CLIA, CAP, and NYDOH). The molecular genomics Sr. Scientist role is responsible for developing molecular assays and generation of research use genomics data in support of BMS clinical trial analysis. This includes but is not limited to responsibility for genomics and gene expression profiling (GEP) biomarker assay technology/ platform selection, evaluation of in-house or vendor choice per assay use requirements, development, optimization, qualification/validation and/or execution of biomarker analysis for BMS translational medicine and clinical programs. The Sr. Scientist candidate must have a strong technical background in PCR and NGS-based genomics and transcriptomics and its application in clinical programs, specific requirements are listed below: This position is 100% lab focused requiring onsite attendance. The individual is expected to work on multiple projects to support translational medicine and clinical programs. The individual works on genomics/transcriptomics strategy (assay, platform) per program requirements, protocol requirements, program biology and mechanism. Assays include but are not limited to broad genomic/GEP profiling, pharmacodynamic assays, target engagement assays, predictive, prognostic assays and technology platform development. Assay design and development: Develop the framework for assay development, qualification/validation protocols and timely, well-planned execution of assay and clinical analysis working with cross-functional teams. Additionally, the individual is expected to help assist with any troubleshooting of any assay performance-related activities. As an individual contributor operating within a matrix organization would facilitate the design, develop, optimize genomics and genetics biomarker assays and develop and execute the qualification/validation of these assays for clinical trial assays in house and/or potentially with external vendors. Key assay profiles likely to include NGS or PCR based gene expression systems, genotyping or variant analysis utilizing NGS or PCR or other methodologies. Evaluation of emerging technologies including new prep kits and developing expertise in assay methodology. A significant part of time will be spent overseeing assay/workflow development and generation/analysis of qualification/validation data. A strong understanding of assay development and fit for purpose assay qualification requirements will be essential. In case of outsourced studies, the individual will provide subject matter expertise and oversight of assay development and execution of sample analysis including review of QC data, working in tandem with the TS&Dx Project Management team and other enabling cross-functional teams. Drafts experimental plans, including qualification protocols and reports, work instructions/SOPs, technology transfer documents, and study reports or summaries. Actively participate in internal/external collaboration and clinical study and biomarker execution teams as appropriate. Providing subject matter expertise for functional lead stakeholders as required. Accurate record keeping of experiments and procedures. Act as a technology evangelist and help assess (including conducting due diligence and pilot projects to assess feasibility) and onboard relevant technologies working with matrixed teams per program requirements. Work closely with data analysis teams as well as sample management and clinical operation teams on programs. Provide mentorship and leadership within the MAD lab team. Work to develop a lean organization with highly efficient genomics processes and best practices. Bachelor's Degree 8+ years of academic and / or industry experience The successful candidate must be capable of working and operating in a laboratory environment for the entirety of their work schedule. Significant experience and subject matter expertise in PCR, NGS or GEP application, significant technology and lab experience is a must. The candidate must demonstrate significant work experience in clinical assay development for genomics assets preferably in a pharma, biotech, diagnostic or clinical lab setting. Expertise and demonstrated ability to develop assays, oversee assay validation inhouse or with external vendors, develop appropriate controls/ QC methodology, oversee clinical sample analysis and assay performance and help develop and deliver program genomics biomarker strategic plans. Expertise, in-depth hands-on experience is expected in genomics platforms (NGS, qPCR, variant analysis platforms) for assay development, qualification/validation, troubleshooting, and reviewing run QC data. Experience with additional technologies leveraged for ctDNA analysis and GEP analysis is considered a critical requirement for this role. Understanding of fit for purpose genomics assay validation principles for clinical assays. Expertise in serving as subject matter expert on technology specific data structure, data analysis, data QC in working with data analysis team and biostatistics teams. Basic understanding of IP, contracting terms and provisions Must have strong organizational, communication, interpersonal and collaborative skills. Must display excellent leadership and mentoring qualities for technical team and matrixed team. Familiarity with genomics assay qualification/validation guidelines and guidance (FDA, CAP, CLIA, ACMG, NYSDOH, global regulatory requirements for assay development). Basic understanding of IVD quality system standards (21 CFR part 820, ISO13485) would be a plus. Knowledge of clinical sample analysis regulatory and quality frameworks and guidance in the lab and at vendors (such as GCP, CLIA, CAP, and NYDOH).", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464078153", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585526", "canonical_title": "Senior Scientist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464086366, "name": "Summer 2025 - Flow Cytometry Internship", "location": "Seattle - WA - US", "locations": ["Seattle - WA - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1726581881, "t_create": 1726531200, "ats_job_id": "R1585566", "display_job_id": "R1585566", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1585566-hu", "job_description": "Generate data to support the development of clinical flow cytometry assays. Activities include, but are not limited to, assay design, optimization, and qualification. Utilize analytics tools to ensure the quality of flow cytometry data in preparation for downstream analysis. Support data analysis and interpretation. Provide support for critical reagent management, including assay controls and custom antibodies, ensuring the reagents are properly handled, stored, and tracked. Perform routine maintenance on flow cytometry instruments, troubleshoot issues and communicate with field application scientists as needed. Implement and oversee flow cytometry assays for clinical sample testing at external lab partners. Maintain effective communications with our external lab partners. Must be able to set and understand priorities in a local and matrixed environment, must be a team player with a collaborative spirit, and capable of maintaining networks within and outside the organization Perform other tasks as needed to support the team and program objectives. In a relevant scientific field (Immunology, Oncology, Biology) with a few years of wet-lab experience Experience with multi-parameter (8+ colors) flow cytometry assay design, development, troubleshooting, validation/qualification, and implementation. Strong technical background in flow cytometry and hands-on experience with a broad array of flow cytometry platforms. Experience with Cytek Aurora is a plus. Experience with a variety of flow cytometry analysis software such as BD FACSDiva, FlowJo, FCS Express. Experience with OMIQ is a plus. Experience with LIMS, ELN, and laboratory data analysis system. Strong attention to details and organizational skills. Ability to clearly communicate and operate in a local, and highly matrixed environment. Ability to multitask high priority tasks in parallel with internal and external collaborators. Ability to work in a fast-paced team environment and meet deadlines. Ability to communicate effectively with peers, department management and cross-functional peers about task status, roadblocks and needs. CRO experience is a plus.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464086366", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Seattle - WA - US", "RequisitionID": "R1585566", "canonical_title": "Internship", "straight_line_distance": null}}], "debug": {}, "count": 670, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.8, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "skills": [], "family": [], "primary_job_rbu": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": {"enabled": true, "display_config": {"title": 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