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13.4054 49.8802 13.4054C48.5765 13.4054 47.7647 13.9934 47.7647 15.1068C47.7647 17.7306 53.9839 16.1139 53.9839 20.2078ZM58.1254 12.1459H60.5619V13.6997H58.1254V19.8506C58.1254 21.4673 58.5531 21.8028 59.6429 21.8028C59.9419 21.8028 60.284 21.761 60.5619 21.7398V23.2523C60.2199 23.3147 59.7711 23.3565 59.4506 23.3565C57.228 23.3565 56.3305 22.496 56.3305 20.1231V13.6997H54.4284V12.1459H56.3305V8.57702H58.1254V12.1459ZM65.8648 11.9358C63.0647 11.9358 61.5693 13.8256 61.5693 16.8907V18.5281C61.5693 21.5932 63.0647 23.4825 65.8648 23.4825C68.6639 23.4825 70.1599 21.5932 70.1599 18.5281V16.8907C70.1599 13.8256 68.6639 11.9358 65.8648 11.9358ZM68.3439 18.4233C68.3439 21.0683 67.4034 21.9293 65.8648 21.9293C64.3258 21.9293 63.3863 21.0683 63.3863 18.4233V16.9955C63.3863 14.3501 64.3258 13.4896 65.8648 13.4896C67.4034 13.4896 68.3439 14.3501 68.3439 16.9955V18.4233ZM72.0571 23.2724H73.8526V8.57702H72.0571V23.2724ZM91.1679 8.57702H94.2147V23.2729H92.3126V10.6139H92.2059L88.3801 20.8402H86.0503L82.2686 10.6139H82.162V23.2729H80.2814V8.57702H83.4769L87.2478 18.7848H87.355L91.1679 8.57702ZM102.944 12.1459H104.761L99.739 26.8418H97.88L99.1411 23.3565L95.4645 12.1459H97.3672L100.081 20.8169H100.167L102.944 12.1459ZM109.584 11.9358C106.785 11.9358 105.289 13.9092 105.289 16.8907V18.5281C105.289 21.5932 106.785 23.4825 109.584 23.4825C111.828 23.4825 113.153 22.2648 113.601 20.1866H111.764C111.443 21.4673 110.717 21.9293 109.584 21.9293C108.046 21.9293 107.105 21.0683 107.105 18.4233V18.2762H113.665V16.8907C113.665 13.9092 112.384 11.9358 109.584 11.9358ZM109.584 13.4896C111.038 13.4896 111.826 14.3305 111.847 16.8907H107.108C107.133 14.3305 108.067 13.4896 109.584 13.4896ZM120.321 12.1459H120.876V13.8674H120.428C118.633 13.8674 117.458 14.7491 117.458 17.0802V23.2729H115.663V12.1459H117.458V14.1405H117.543C117.863 13.1334 118.697 12.1459 120.321 12.1459ZM129.938 20.2078C129.938 22.3494 128.314 23.4825 125.941 23.4825C123.548 23.4825 121.967 22.4749 121.838 20.2078H123.633C123.698 21.5726 124.724 22.0134 125.941 22.0134C127.159 22.0134 128.142 21.4884 128.142 20.3332C128.142 17.6253 121.967 19.4944 121.967 15.1068C121.967 13.2795 123.335 11.9358 125.834 11.9358C128.121 11.9358 129.639 13.0488 129.81 15.2111H128.014C127.908 13.9092 126.989 13.4054 125.834 13.4054C124.531 13.4054 123.719 13.9934 123.719 15.1068C123.719 17.7306 129.938 16.1139 129.938 20.2078ZM144.205 19.3886C144.205 22.0134 142.368 23.4825 139.546 23.4825C136.896 23.4825 134.716 22.223 134.439 19.4097H136.426C136.661 21.0683 137.858 21.8451 139.524 21.8451C141.427 21.8451 142.282 20.7322 142.282 19.4944C142.282 15.3159 134.674 17.7306 134.674 12.2513C134.674 9.90002 136.576 8.36745 139.226 8.36745C141.79 8.36745 143.927 9.60578 144.056 12.5032H142.068C141.897 10.7187 140.743 10.0048 139.205 10.0048C137.388 10.0048 136.597 11.0547 136.597 12.1666C136.597 15.862 144.205 13.6785 144.205 19.3886ZM152.316 13.4896H152.228C151.744 12.5074 150.821 11.9358 149.645 11.9358C146.845 11.9358 145.563 13.8256 145.563 16.8907V18.5281C145.563 21.5932 146.845 23.4825 149.645 23.4825C150.821 23.4825 151.744 22.9109 152.228 21.9293H152.316V23.2729V26.8418H154.112V12.1459H152.316V13.4896ZM149.858 21.9293C148.32 21.9293 147.379 21.0683 147.379 18.4233V16.9955C147.379 14.3501 148.32 13.4896 149.858 13.4896C151.397 13.4896 152.338 14.3501 152.338 16.9955V18.4233C152.338 21.0683 151.397 21.9293 149.858 21.9293ZM162.356 12.1459H164.151V23.2729H162.356V21.8451H162.271C161.843 22.7474 160.924 23.4825 159.493 23.4825C157.377 23.4825 156.073 22.3066 156.073 19.6823V12.1459H157.89V19.4309C157.89 21.2154 158.638 21.9922 159.984 21.9922C161.288 21.9922 162.356 21.1312 162.356 18.9689V12.1459ZM166.457 23.2729H168.251V12.1459H166.457V23.2729ZM175.125 11.9358C173.931 11.9358 173.02 12.5074 172.54 13.4896H172.454V12.1459V8.57702H170.659V23.2729H172.454V21.9293H172.54C173.02 22.9109 173.931 23.4825 175.125 23.4825C177.925 23.4825 179.207 21.5932 179.207 18.5281V16.8907C179.207 13.8256 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Lead and collaborate with cross-functional teams to architect, design, build, manage, and operate solutions delivering business value. Lead and collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather, understand, and share requirements as necessary to architect, design, and implement solutions. Develop and maintain solution architecture documentation, including diagrams, specifications, and other technical documentation. Provide technical guidance and support to development teams during the implementation of warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistic solutions. Ensure that solutions are scalable, reliable, and maintainable while adhering to applicable policies and procedures. Stay current with emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices in the warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistic solution space. Recommend complementary and/or new solutions as appropriate. Required: 10+ years of experience in an information technology related field delivering and supporting warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistics, with at least 5 years focused on solution architecture and implementation. Strong understanding of warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistics processes. Demonstrated success in designing, delivering, and supporting integrated warehouse management, transportation management, and/or logistics solutions using disparate technologies. Demonstrated success designing, delivering, and supporting experience in third-party logistics integration. Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to identify and resolve complex technical issues. Excellent project management and organizational skills. Excellent communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills. Experience working internationally with a globally dispersed team including management of offshore technical development team(s). Demonstrated subject matter expertise in SAP S/4 and/or SAP eWM. Prior experience working in a global life sciences supply chain planning environment.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465003976", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1587401", "canonical_title": "Solutions Director", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465293210, "name": "Senior Manager, Pricing & Access Strategy (Lead)", "location": "Otemachi-JP", "locations": ["Otemachi-JP"], "hot": 1, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1736316749, "t_create": 1733875200, "ats_job_id": "R1588106", "display_job_id": "R1588106", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588106-ru", "job_description": "Pricing Access : Global/ BMS brand team engagement on pricing & access strategies Lead Pricing & Access strategy development and implementation Prepare pipeline assets for launch inclusive of all Pricing Access related initiatives and launch plans Develop brand specific Pricing Access resources and act as a liaison with all cross-functional teams to ensure pull-through activities are aligned with brand objectives and priorities Develop internal working partnerships with global Pricing Access Strategy Lead, HEOR, Advocacy / Policy, and Legal to drive critical decision and ensure proper execution Establish relationships with and external leaders to identify healthcare industry trends and insights to inform prioritization of resources Lead the market access portion of brand planning Communicate Pricing Access specific strategies to internal business partners for incorporation into brand planning Lead development and maintenance of a timeline for input into key BMS Pipeline decision points for new assets and indications In partnership with local and global Market Access leadership, establish a perspective on the future Japan landscape relative to Pricing Access management, policy scenarios, and payment & reimbursement Owns, leads, and oversees execution of all value communications initiatives for portfolio, including initiatives and business plans for inline and pipeline products Leads the development of the Pricing Access value story, supported by credible clinical, health economics and quality of life messages to justify brand value; interfaces with HEOR team to guide evidence generation efforts that support payer value story development Leverages understanding of the competitive landscape to anticipate and pre-empt future competitor moves by developing innovative strategies and tactics across Market Access Lead the Japan Health Authority (the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, MHLW) engagement to achieve value based pricing outcomes for BMS products in support of Access & pricing Director Lead the response to the MHLW at price revisions and repricing of in-line products If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Bachelor level qualification in business or life sciences (required) Masters or Diploma qualification in Public Health or related discipline (preferred) Masters or Diploma qualification in Business Administration or related discipline (preferred) >5 years in healthcare & pharmaceutical sector experience required Pricing Market Access Health Economics Regulatory Affairs Clinical Development Government Affairs and Advocacy Demonstrated ability to access and influence various functional areas and motivate groups to action without direct line management responsibility Experience in translating insights and strategies into effective marketing tactics, and ability to drive execution of key initiatives and meet all deadlines Direct pricing negotiation experience preferred External engagement experience in pharmaceuticals industry associations preferred Understand pricing policy changes to assess implication on responsible products Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to drive performance effectively and efficiently within a matrix organization Must have strong ability to prioritize and work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment Deep understanding of Japan medical system, medical insurance system and drug pricing system Ability in risk assessment and proactive management related to anticipated Pricing Access policy changes and the evolution of our operating environment Additional competencies include Strategic Planning, marketing analytics, brand therapeutic area knowledge and customer / competitive insights Ability to define and demonstrate the value of pharmaceutical products in drug price negotiations with the authorities Ability to formulate drug Pricing Access strategy based on product data and potential, competitive landscape, policy environment and other factors Ability to actively communicate with local and global teams as well as other companies to collect information and promote smooth operations", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465293210", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Otemachi-JP", "RequisitionID": "R1588106", "canonical_title": "Senior Strategy Manager", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465906194, "name": "Warehouse Associate", "location": "Indianapolis - RayzeBio - IN", "locations": ["Indianapolis - RayzeBio - IN"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "CEO", "t_update": 1737494083, "t_create": 1737417600, "ats_job_id": "R1588811", "display_job_id": "R1588811", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588811-ru", "job_description": "Responsibilities also include supporting the implementation of the Supply Chain department procedures: logistics, warehousing, and materials management. Execute labeling, packaging, and shipping of domestic and international shipments of internally manufactured radiopharmaceutical drug product programs. Assist with the scheduling of domestic and international shipments from RayzeBio. Execute the receipt of incoming materials. Execute the sampling and dispensing of materials in a cleanroom environment. Execute the physical activities related to the waste program. Execute activities related to the material cycle counting program. Execute the inspection of finished product prior to shipment. Provide tactile, hands-on support of logistics, warehousing, and materials management. Adhere to policies and standard operating procedures to ensure compliance with DOT and GXP regulations as required. Support the implementation of the Electronic Inventory System / ERP. Support the efforts to commercialize the distribution of current clinical programs upon FDA approval. Execute the day-to-day warehouse operations as assigned by the Warehouse Manager focused on KPIs to ensure compliance and operational control related to logistic and warehousing. Support the training of future Supply Chain team members. Ensure compliance with DOT, EH&S, Radiation Safety and GMP requirements as required. Execute labeling, packaging, and shipping of domestic and international shipments of internally manufactured radiopharmaceutical drug product programs. Assist with the scheduling of domestic and international shipments from RayzeBio. Execute the receipt of incoming materials. Execute the sampling and dispensing of materials in a cleanroom environment. Execute the physical activities related to the waste program. Execute activities related to the material cycle counting program. Execute the inspection of finished product prior to shipment. Provide tactile, hands-on support of logistics, warehousing, and materials management. Adhere to policies and standard operating procedures to ensure compliance with DOT and GXP regulations as required. Support the implementation of the Electronic Inventory System / ERP. Support the efforts to commercialize the distribution of current clinical programs upon FDA approval. Execute the day-to-day warehouse operations as assigned by the Warehouse Manager focused on KPIs to ensure compliance and operational control related to logistic and warehousing. Support the training of future Supply Chain team members. Ensure compliance with DOT, EH&S, Radiation Safety and GMP requirements as required. 5+ years of proven warehouse experience (2+ in a cGMP facility preferred). Domestic and international shipping experience, including knowledge of customs clearance and regulatory requirements for RAM shipments for ex-US countries. Demonstrated working knowledge of working in a cGMP warehouse environment preferred. Strong understanding of domestic and international shipping (Radiopharmaceutical experience preferred). Demonstrated knowledge in DOT, GMP, and NRC regulations Excellent professional ethics, integrity, and ability to maintain confidential information Highly motivated and organized professional with the ability to work under pressure while meeting corporate goals and objectives. The ability to perform daily work in a cleanroom environment with appropriate PPE. LI-ONSITE #Rayzebio RayzeBio is a dynamic biotechnology company headquartered in San Diego, CA. The company is focused on improving survival of people with cancer by harnessing the power of targeted radioisotopes. RayzeBio is developing innovative drugs against targets of solid tumors. Led by a successful and experienced entrepreneurial team, RayzeBio aims to be the global leader in radiopharmaceuticals. Located at our Indianapolis, IN facility, the Warehouse Associate will be responsible for warehousing support related to domestic and international shipping and distribution of clinical trial and commercial products for RayzeBio programs. In this role, the Warehouse Associate shall provide tactile support of all clinical trial and future commercial receiving, material handling, shipping and distribution activities for products manufactured internally at RayzeBio. Associate will be responsible to learn Visual Inspection duties and complete them on a recurring basis. Responsibilities also include supporting the implementation of the Supply Chain department procedures: logistics, warehousing, and materials management. Additionally, Warehouse Associate will become one of the subject matter experts (SME) supporting compliance GXP and DOT regulations as required. 5+ years of proven warehouse experience (2+ in a cGMP facility preferred). Domestic and international shipping experience, including knowledge of customs clearance and regulatory requirements for RAM shipments for ex-US countries. Radiopharmaceutical and DOT compliant shipping experience preferred. Demonstrated working knowledge of working in a cGMP warehouse environment preferred. Demonstrated experience with inventory control Strong understanding of domestic and international shipping (Radiopharmaceutical experience preferred). Demonstrated knowledge in DOT, GMP, and NRC regulations Excellent professional ethics, integrity, and ability to maintain confidential information Highly motivated and organized professional with the ability to work under pressure while meeting corporate goals and objectives. The ability to perform daily work in a cleanroom environment with appropriate PPE.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465906194", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Indianapolis - RayzeBio - IN", "RequisitionID": "R1588811", "canonical_title": "Warehouse Associate", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465906800, "name": "Associate Director, Incident Response, Cybersecurity Operations", "location": "Remote - United States - US", "locations": ["Remote - United States - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Information Technology", "t_update": 1737494868, "t_create": 1737417600, "ats_job_id": "R1588867", "display_job_id": "R1588867", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588867-ru", "job_description": "Investigate and lead incident response incidents and investigations, end-to-end Leverage EDR tools to investigate and identify malicious activity to determine root cause Supporting IR investigations by using malware, log, and network analysis Conducting some threat hunting to support investigations Working in Cloud platforms to conduct investigations Working with threat intelligence to identify tools, tactics, and procedures (TTP) and indicators of compromise (IOC) Providing expert opinion and insight into cyber related matters affecting BMS Creating comprehensive analysis reports and potential after action reports, as needed Communicating concisely and effectively with internal BMS stakeholders Support CFC leadership on cyber related issues Assist development of SOP's and other necessary documentation for the CFC At least 5 years of hand on experience in Incident Response At least 3 years of experience with SIEM, such as Sentinel or Splunk After hours escalation and on-call responsibilities can be expected MITRE ATT&CK framework knowledge Prior blue team IR exposure and analysis Demonstrated SIEM platform alert analysis experience. Expert-level knowledge of common attack vectors and penetration techniques. Solid working knowledge of networking technology and tools, firewalls, proxies, IDS/IPS, encryption. Technical writing and presentation skills. Event analysis and correlation. Experience with Linux (CLI), MAC OSX, and Windows operating systems Experience with cloud elements (S3, Impala, Athena, etc) Certified in one or more of the following: SANS 500 level course (GCIA, GCIH, etc) Strong understanding of networking fundamentals (routing, OSI layers, CIDR). Experience in fast-paced environment. Experience with programming or scripting languages (Python, bash). Ability to present highly technical information to non-technical audiences Solid understanding of sigma rules and their creation A working understanding of ATC RE&CT and VERIS", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465906800", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Remote - United States - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588867", "canonical_title": "Associate Operations", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465917666, "name": "Manager, Global Operations, Scheduling & Cell Logistics", "location": "Field - United States - US", "locations": ["Field - United States - US", "Indianapolis - RayzeBio - IN", "Dallas - TX - US", "Tampa - FL - US", "Summit West - NJ - US", "Devens - MA - US", "Seattle - WA - US", "Redwood City - CA - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Cell Therapy", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1737509728, "t_create": 1737417600, "ats_job_id": "R1588863", "display_job_id": "R1588863", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588863-ru", "job_description": "Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience 5+ years of work experience in scheduling, planning, operations, logistics, and/or supply chain Experience working in Salesforce CRM, APEX, Oracle, SAP, and/or other comparable planning/scheduling/execution systems is preferred Experience working in a regulated environment (cGMP/FDA) is preferred Must have strong proficiency with Office 365 software, especially Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word Hire and develop a team of high-functioning Global Operations Specialists Influence day-to-day operations through a strong sense of leadership and manage first level escalations, including urgent escalations and business continuity events, and exceptions processes, such as product return or product replacements Accountable for team performance and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Maintain a positive, inclusive and professional team atmosphere Manage given resources and identify resources needs Lead and manage regional and cross-functional projects Ensure direct reports properly trained and are aligned with SCLT strategy Communicate issues and resolutions with management and key internal and external stakeholders Analyze trends and develop action plans from feedback, operational metrics, and KPIs Manage team goals and align them with SCLT strategy Provide weekly updates on team projects and goals Provide input into goals and plans to deliver on SCLT strategy Manage relationships with regional partners as assigned Act as SME on global projects as assigned Lead at least one cross-region working group Work-life programs include paid national holidays and optional holidays, Global Shutdown Days between Christmas and New Year's holiday, up to 120 hours of paid vacation, up to two (2) paid days to volunteer, sick time off, and summer hours flexibility.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465917666", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Field - United States - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588863", "canonical_title": "Operations Logistics Manager", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465903354, "name": "Associate Director, Drug Development Innovation Strategy Implementation Lead", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Global Drug Development", "t_update": 1737472452, "t_create": 1737072000, "ats_job_id": "R1588809", "display_job_id": "R1588809", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588809-ru", "job_description": "Support the development and execution of Drug Development's (DD) Innovation strategy in partnership with DD Leaders, Process Council, and Business Insights & Technology (BIT) partners. Innovation Initiative Strategy Execution: Drives the lifecycle of an innovation project which includes scoping, goal setting, solution designing, implementation, full realization, and close-out for the most impactful cross-functional initiatives. Project chartering, team mobilization, project planning, risk/issue management, change planning, and communications are all part of the day-to-day responsibilities. Innovation Program Governance and Portfolio Management: Will provide support to the Innovation Program Sponsor and Innovation Strategy Implementation Lead in governance committee and portfolio management operations. This may entail agenda setting, preparations, facilitation, and close-out of governance meetings. This also entails providing the necessary project details and presentations to support portfolio and project-level reviews. Innovation Adoption: Manage work streams or tactics within our overarching Innovation Adoption strategy to elevate the DD org's overall understanding, receptivity, and adoption of new and innovative ways of working. These are broader scale change and learning tactics above the learning tactics developed for specific projects. Innovation Strategy Formulation: Will support the Innovation Program Sponsor and Innovation Strategy Implementation Lead in the development of an overarching Innovation strategy. Specific assignments/tasks may include synthesizing business leader perspectives and translating into key requirements or imperatives, aligning priorities across functions and stakeholder groups, establishing measurable goal/outcome statements for our priorities, and partnering with our BIT and DD SMEs colleagues to develop solution blueprints and business cases endorsed by DD leaders. Innovation External Partnerships: In coordination with DD and enabling function partners (BIT, BD, Procurement), may participate in external scans/sourcing for external innovation and partnerships to advance our business imperatives (as needed). BS/BA Degree in Business Management or related field required; advanced degree in related discipline preferred (e.g., Degree in Life Sciences (MBA, MS, PhD, Pharm D). 7+ years of combined experience in all or majority of the following areas: Innovation management, digital strategy development and product development / management Pharma R&D experience, preferably Clin Dev't, Trial Operations, Biostatistics, Regulatory, Safety, etc Transformational change leadership (certifications a plus but not required) Operational excellence and/or process improvement (certifications a plus but not required) Ability to lead and motivate teams, facilitate discussions, and influence stakeholders to drive initiatives.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465903354", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588809", "canonical_title": "Development Associate", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465905845, "name": "Senior Manager, Statistical Programming", "location": "Remote - United States - US", "locations": ["Remote - United States - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Cardiovascular", "business_unit": "Global Drug Development", "t_update": 1737502446, "t_create": 1737072000, "ats_job_id": "R1588806", "display_job_id": "R1588806", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588806-ru", "job_description": "In this role, Senior Managers of Statistical Programming are responsible for managing employees: set objectives, manage performance, and provide meaningful coaching and feedback. They also support the evaluation and recruitment of potential employees. Senior Managers of Statistical Programming provide comprehensive programming expertise to clinical project teams to lead statistical programming teams and support the development, regulatory approval and market acceptance of Bristol Myers Squibb products. This position is primarily responsible for the design, development and implementation of technical solutions for integrating, analyzing and reporting clinical data. Senior Managers develop collaborative relationships and work effectively within Global Biometrics & Data Sciences (GBDS), with external vendors and members of cross-functional development teams. Senior Managers of Statistical Programming also support and lead improvement initiatives. They proactively plan, implement, and identify issues/risks and provide remediation strategies to facilitate decision making. Senior Managers also lead and support the change management process (e.g. communication, training, stakeholder engagement). In this role, Senior Managers of Statistical Programming are responsible for managing employees: set objectives, manage performance, and provide meaningful coaching and feedback. They also support the evaluation and recruitment of potential employees. Provides comprehensive programming leadership and support to clinical project teams and vendors, including deployment of programming strategies, standards, specifications and programmed analysis to comply with regulatory requirements, SOPs and work practices Independently develops, validates, troubleshoots, and maintains complex programs and utilities in accordance with predefined specifications and standards Leads / Supports the electronic submission preparation and review Develops unambiguous and robust programming specifications (e.g. ADaM specifications) Reviews key planning documents (e.g., statistical analysis plan, data presentation plan, data review plan) to align with project objectives and ensures clarity and completeness of programming assumptions and requirements; Assesses document robustness and impact on programming activities Communicates proactively and effectively around issues and risks and contributes to its remediation Identifies, leads, and supports opportunities to enhance processes and technology Communicates proactively and effectively around issues and risks and contributes to its remediation Effectively recruits, manages, develops, evaluates, rewards, motivates, and retains up to 5 direct reports, resulting in an increasing level of capabilities within GBDS Conducts objective setting, performance check-ins, and year-end discussions in compliance with BMS policies; aligns objectives, feedback and performance evaluation with manager Meets regularly with direct reports, focusing on project updates, development needs, issue resolution, and provides real-time coaching and feedback; holds staff accountable for quality and timeliness of programming activities; ensures staff is compliant with training requirements Communicates with manager regarding promotions, performance concerns, and retention risks Builds and maintains a network with stakeholders and peers to ensure cross-functional strategies and objectives intertwine and build upon each other to achieve results In this role, Senior Managers of Statistical Programming are responsible for managing employees: set objectives, manage performance, and provide meaningful coaching and feedback. They also support the evaluation and recruitment of potential employees. Senior Managers of Statistical Programming provide comprehensive programming expertise to clinical project teams to lead statistical programming teams and support the development, regulatory approval and market acceptance of Bristol Myers Squibb products. This position is primarily responsible for the design, development and implementation of technical solutions for integrating, analyzing and reporting clinical data. Senior Managers develop collaborative relationships and work effectively within Global Biometrics & Data Sciences (GBDS), with external vendors and members of cross-functional development teams. Senior Managers of Statistical Programming also support and lead improvement initiatives. They proactively plan, implement, and identify issues/risks and provide remediation strategies to facilitate decision making. Senior Managers also lead and support the change management process (e.g. communication, training, stakeholder engagement). In this role, Senior Managers of Statistical Programming are responsible for managing employees: set objectives, manage performance, and provide meaningful coaching and feedback. They also support the evaluation and recruitment of potential employees. Provides comprehensive programming leadership and support to clinical project teams and vendors, including deployment of programming strategies, standards, specifications and programmed analysis to comply with regulatory requirements, SOPs and work practices Independently develops, validates, troubleshoots, and maintains complex programs and utilities in accordance with predefined specifications and standards Leads / Supports the electronic submission preparation and review Develops unambiguous and robust programming specifications (e.g. ADaM specifications) Reviews key planning documents (e.g., statistical analysis plan, data presentation plan, data review plan) to align with project objectives and ensures clarity and completeness of programming assumptions and requirements; Assesses document robustness and impact on programming activities Identifies, leads, and supports opportunities to enhance processes and technology Communicates proactively and effectively around issues and risks and contributes to its remediation Effectively recruits, manages, develops, evaluates, rewards, motivates, and retains up to 5 direct reports, resulting in an increasing level of capabilities within GBDS Conducts objective setting, performance check-ins, and year-end discussions in compliance with BMS policies; aligns objectives, feedback and performance evaluation with manager Meets regularly with direct reports, focusing on project updates, development needs, issue resolution, and provides real-time coaching and feedback; holds staff accountable for quality and timeliness of programming activities; ensures staff is compliant with training requirements Communicates with manager regarding promotions, performance concerns, and retention risks Builds and maintains a network with stakeholders and peers to ensure cross-functional strategies and objectives intertwine and build upon each other to achieve results Work-life programs include paid national holidays and optional holidays, Global Shutdown days between Christmas and New Year's holiday, up to 120 hours of paid vacation, up to two (2) paid days to volunteer, sick time off, and summer hours flexibility. Bachelor's degree in statistics, biostatistics, mathematics, computer science or life sciences required At least 7 years programming experience in industry including support of significant regulatory filings For US positions: US military experience will be considered towards industry experience Proficient knowledge of drug development process, clinical trial methodology, regulatory guidance, industry standards, statistical concepts, and medical terminology used in the analysis and submission of clinical data Broad expertise in statistical programming and in developing computing strategies In-depth understanding of clinical data structure (e.g. CDISC standards) and relational databases Demonstrated proficiency in using SAS to produce analysis datasets and TFLs and in using other software tools and applications (e.g. MS office, XML, Pinnacle 21) Demonstrated ability in processing of upstream data (e.g. multiple data forms, workflows, eDC, SDTM); Demonstrated ability in providing deliverables to meet downstream requirements, (e.g. ADaM, TFLs, e-submission components) Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment with clinical team members The starting compensation for this job is a range from $119,000 - 149,000, plus incentive cash and stock opportunities (based on eligibility). The starting pay takes into account characteristics of the job, such as required skills and where the job is performed. Final, individual compensation is decided based on demonstrated experience. For more on benefits, please visit our BMS Careers site. Eligibility for specific benefits listed in our careers site may vary based on the job and location. Benefit offerings are subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable plans then in effect and may include the following: Medical, pharmacy, dental and vision care. Wellbeing support such as the BMS Living Life Better program and employee assistance programs (EAP). Financial well-being resources and a 401(K). Financial protection benefits such as short- and long-term disability, life insurance, supplemental health insurance, business travel protection and survivor support. Work-life programs include paid national holidays and optional holidays, Global Shutdown days between Christmas and New Year's holiday, up to 120 hours of paid vacation, up to two (2) paid days to volunteer, sick time off, and summer hours flexibility. Parental, caregiver, bereavement, and military leave. Family care services such as adoption and surrogacy reimbursement, fertility/infertility benefits, support for traveling mothers, and child, elder and pet care resources. Other perks like tuition reimbursement and a recognition program. Senior Managers of Statistical Programming provide comprehensive programming expertise to clinical project teams to lead statistical programming teams and support the development, regulatory approval and market acceptance of Bristol Myers Squibb products. This position is primarily responsible for the design, development and implementation of technical solutions for integrating, analyzing and reporting clinical data. Senior Managers develop collaborative relationships and work effectively within Global Biometrics & Data Sciences (GBDS), with external vendors and members of cross-functional development teams. Senior Managers of Statistical Programming also support and lead improvement initiatives. They proactively plan, implement, and identify issues/risks and provide remediation strategies to facilitate decision making. Senior Managers also lead and support the change management process (e.g. communication, training, stakeholder engagement). Bachelor's degree in statistics, biostatistics, mathematics, computer science or life sciences required At least 7 years programming experience in industry including support of significant regulatory filings For US positions: US military experience will be considered towards industry experience Proficient knowledge of drug development process, clinical trial methodology, regulatory guidance, industry standards, statistical concepts, and medical terminology used in the analysis and submission of clinical data Broad expertise in statistical programming and in developing computing strategies In-depth understanding of clinical data structure (e.g. CDISC standards) and relational databases Demonstrated proficiency in using SAS to produce analysis datasets and TFLs and in using other software tools and applications (e.g. MS office, XML, Pinnacle 21) Demonstrated ability in processing of upstream data (e.g. multiple data forms, workflows, eDC, SDTM); Demonstrated ability in providing deliverables to meet downstream requirements, (e.g. ADaM, TFLs, e-submission components) Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment with clinical team members Management experience supervising technical professionals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465905845", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Remote - United States - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588806", "canonical_title": "Programming Manager", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465868246, "name": "Senior Manager, Clinical Supply Operations Automation", "location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "locations": ["New Brunswick - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Global Product Development & Supply", "t_update": 1737132590, "t_create": 1737072000, "ats_job_id": "R1588775", "display_job_id": "R1588775", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588775-ru", "job_description": "Manages the life cycle of an Emerson DeltaV Distributed Control System responsible for CSO electronic batch records. Delta V administrator responsibilities include Delta V system configuration (batch and recipe), new process field equipment integration, SQL applications/interfacing both inside/outside Delta V, Visual Basic configuration, SAP functionality, system security, and Enterprise interfaces. Management of automated systems future growth including upgrades, resource allocation, cost vs. benefit analysis, qualification, and GMP readiness. Ensures that automation systems are designed, built and maintained in compliance with regulatory requirements and current technology. Responsible for day-to-day DeltaV system management and recipe/batch support/troubleshooting. As required, provides twenty-four hour on-call troubleshooting coverage for DeltaV recipe/batch support. Prepares and executes qualification and system life-cycle protocols, IOQs, SOPs and cGMP training for automated systems and equipment. Specifically in areas of electronic batch recipe review and approval as related to DeltaV Operations as well as new equipment integration into manufacturing. Provides equipment PLC (Rockwell and Siemens) support for the implementation of upgrades and system troubleshooting for CSO manufacturing and processes. Manages all PLC configuration archiving and backups for area. Understands multiple BUS Technology Protocols and Interfacing I/O processing as well as cGMP's as it relates to data integrity. Understands that the work environment may require the use of Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR). Understands the business risks and organizational dynamics involved with implementing advanced automation strategies. Harmonizes consistent cross-departmental automation approaches to achieve desired results. Manages and develops people through coaching and leadership development. Builds and motivates automation project teams to provide innovative approaches while achieving business results. Manages and prioritizes automation activities around process area schedules to meet the manufacturing automation requirements. Contributes to analysis of the impact of emerging technologies and/or regulations against our current system architecture. Bachelor's degree in sciences and engineering, Electrical Engineering being desirable. Minimum of 7-10 years in a GMP environment in roles of increasing responsibility Must be an effective communicator with the ability to collaborate across multiple levels in the organization. Must be good at follow up and ensure that time lines are met. Must have good leadership skills and the ability to lead projects/tasks.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465868246", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588775", "canonical_title": "Senior Manager Operations", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465868773, "name": "Associate Scientist, CPD HTE & Automation", "location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "locations": ["New Brunswick - NJ - US", "Summit West - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Global Product Development & Supply", "t_update": 1737134149, "t_create": 1737072000, "ats_job_id": "R1588774", "display_job_id": "R1588774", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588774-ru", "job_description": "Utilize High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE) techniques to support process chemistry projects and facilitate data-driven decision-making. Design, execute, and analyze HTE experiments to optimize chemical processes and improve efficiency. Collaborate with project teams to understand their needs and provide timely and relevant data to support project milestones. Train and support new users in the use of HTE tools and software, ensuring best practices and efficient workflows. Maintain and troubleshoot HTE equipment and software to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Firm background in the execution, and fit-for purpose development of high-throughput analytical techniques (e.g., UPLC, UPLC-MS, SFC, GC, GC-MS, and NMR) Maintain and troubleshoot analytical equipment (e.g., UPLC, UPLC-MS, and SFC chromatography systems) Document experimental procedures, results, and conclusions in a clear and organized manner. Present findings and recommendations to project teams and stakeholders in a clear and concise manner. Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related field. Advanced degree preferred. 3+ years of experience supporting HTE in a process chemistry environment. Experience in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry. Familiarity with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and regulatory requirements. Experience with additional HTE tools and software.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465868773", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588774", "canonical_title": "Associate Scientist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137465869455, "name": "Sr Project Manager / Patient Engagement - Hematology/Cell Therapy", "location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "locations": ["Princeton - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Cell Therapy; Hematology", "business_unit": "Corporate Affairs & Investor Relations", "t_update": 1737143344, "t_create": 1737072000, "ats_job_id": "R1588812", "display_job_id": "R1588812", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1588812-ru", "job_description": "Develop strong, supportive relationships with assigned business area stakeholders as well as other functions within the Global Purpose and Patient Experience team. Act as the first line of contact with patients to conduct interest & assessment for potential projects and events via direct communications with the patient (explains scope of project, logistics, timing in addition to contracting process). Act as both a strategic advisor and experience execution lead to stakeholders across the organization. Demonstrate relevant business acumen, subject matter expertise for the capability, creative strategies for impactful storytelling, project preparation, management & execution through collaboration with stakeholders across the organization. Ensure all patient contracting and service provider agreements are properly executed, accurate, complete and compliant. Execute proper patient compensation and helping the patients with expense review and submission, resolve payment issues (changed bank, wrong address, obtain approvals, etc.) Coordinate a significant portion of event logistics to ensure the patient is comfortable in all travel and lodging arrangements while engaged with BMS. Master contracted patient profiles and patient status (e.g., health, disease state and contracting, etc.), be conversant in medical language and be able to make patient recommendations for engagements/projects. Within scoped responsibilities, help ensure that the PatientLink (in-house database) is up to date and that each patient profile is clear, accurate, and easy to understand. Flex to support engagement work across therapeutic areas when necessary. Develop strong, supportive relationships with assigned business area stakeholders as well as other functions within the Global Purpose and Patient Experience team. Act as the first line of contact with patients to conduct interest & assessment for potential projects and events via direct communications with the patient (explains scope of project, logistics, timing in addition to contracting process). Act as both a strategic advisor and experience execution lead to stakeholders across the organization. Demonstrate relevant business acumen, subject matter expertise for the capability, creative strategies for impactful storytelling, project preparation, management & execution through collaboration with stakeholders across the organization. Ensure all patient contracting and service provider agreements are properly executed, accurate, complete and compliant. Execute proper patient compensation and helping the patients with expense review and submission, resolve payment issues (changed bank, wrong address, obtain approvals, etc.) Coordinate a significant portion of event logistics to ensure the patient is comfortable in all travel and lodging arrangements while engaged with BMS. Master contracted patient profiles and patient status (e.g., health, disease state and contracting, etc.), be conversant in medical language and be able to make patient recommendations for engagements/projects. Within scoped responsibilities, help ensure that the PatientLink (in-house database) is up to date and that each patient profile is clear, accurate, and easy to understand. Flex to support engagement work across therapeutic areas when necessary. Bachelor's degree required; experience in communications, marketing, patient marketing roles or related field preferred. To be successful, the individual must possess a passion for our patients, have a demonstrated ability to build strong relationships with others, and a strong track record of thinking creatively and strategically while executing tactically. Ability to emotionally compartmentalize verbatim recounting of difficult and sometimes tragic medical journeys. To be successful, the individual must possess a passion for innovation, creativity and the ability to think outside industry norms. A results mindset with the ability to demonstrate success. To be successful, the candidate must possess a a minimum of 3-5 years of experience in pharmaceutical, healthcare, or similar highly regulated industry; knowledge of commercialization including scientific, medical, brand, or commercial operations. Preferably in a client or stakeholder service capacity. Two to three years plus of demonstrated working knowledgeable building stakeholder engagement, channel strategy and digital/social media best practices, content creation (storytelling) and event execution including how to leverage content across channels and audiences. An understanding of employee engagement and/or building and enhancing corporate reputation techniques and strategy. Knowledge and ability to execute strategically within the MLR process. Ability to influence without authority, engage with and persuade a wide variety of audiences, and collaborate across matrixed organization with global teams to achieve stated goals. Proven experience in understanding patient dynamics, various disease areas, treatment protocols, regulatory issues, etc. Experience collaboratively working with global teams with executive or employee engagement events that showcase patient voice and experience. Able to quickly learn and to operate within a complex, fast-paced and changing environment. A strong track record of creative problem solving and strong attention to detail. Comfortable learning and embracing large-scale systems and processes. Self-motivated with a roll-up the sleeves mentality and strong sense of urgency. Self-directed with proven ability to meet tight deadlines and balance multiple initiatives of importance. Strong project management abilities with a proven record of accomplishments. This position is based in Lawrenceville, NJ at the Princeton Pike office complex. A moderate level of travel will be required. Bachelor's degree required; experience in communications, marketing, patient marketing roles or related field preferred. To be successful, the individual must possess a passion for our patients, have a demonstrated ability to build strong relationships with others, and a strong track record of thinking creatively and strategically while executing tactically. Ability to emotionally compartmentalize verbatim recounting of difficult and sometimes tragic medical journeys. To be successful, the individual must possess a passion for innovation, creativity and the ability to think outside industry norms. A results mindset with the ability to demonstrate success. To be successful, the candidate must possess a a minimum of 3-5 years of experience in pharmaceutical, healthcare, or similar highly regulated industry; knowledge of commercialization including scientific, medical, brand, or commercial operations. Preferably in a client or stakeholder service capacity. Two to three years plus of demonstrated working knowledgeable building stakeholder engagement, channel strategy and digital/social media best practices, content creation (storytelling) and event execution including how to leverage content across channels and audiences. An understanding of employee engagement and/or building and enhancing corporate reputation techniques and strategy. Knowledge and ability to execute strategically within the MLR process. Ability to influence without authority, engage with and persuade a wide variety of audiences, and collaborate across matrixed organization with global teams to achieve stated goals. Proven experience in understanding patient dynamics, various disease areas, treatment protocols, regulatory issues, etc. Experience collaboratively working with global teams with executive or employee engagement events that showcase patient voice and experience. Able to quickly learn and to operate within a complex, fast-paced and changing environment. A strong track record of creative problem solving and strong attention to detail. Comfortable learning and embracing large-scale systems and processes. Self-motivated with a roll-up the sleeves mentality and strong sense of urgency. Self-directed with proven ability to meet tight deadlines and balance multiple initiatives of importance. Strong project management abilities with a proven record of accomplishments. Strong written and interpersonal communications skills.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137465869455", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Princeton - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1588812", "canonical_title": "Senior Engagement Manager", "straight_line_distance": null}}], "debug": {}, "count": 501, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.8, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "skills": [], "family": [], "primary_job_rbu": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": 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