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108.067 13.4896 109.584 13.4896ZM120.321 12.1459H120.876V13.8674H120.428C118.633 13.8674 117.458 14.7491 117.458 17.0802V23.2729H115.663V12.1459H117.458V14.1405H117.543C117.863 13.1334 118.697 12.1459 120.321 12.1459ZM129.938 20.2078C129.938 22.3494 128.314 23.4825 125.941 23.4825C123.548 23.4825 121.967 22.4749 121.838 20.2078H123.633C123.698 21.5726 124.724 22.0134 125.941 22.0134C127.159 22.0134 128.142 21.4884 128.142 20.3332C128.142 17.6253 121.967 19.4944 121.967 15.1068C121.967 13.2795 123.335 11.9358 125.834 11.9358C128.121 11.9358 129.639 13.0488 129.81 15.2111H128.014C127.908 13.9092 126.989 13.4054 125.834 13.4054C124.531 13.4054 123.719 13.9934 123.719 15.1068C123.719 17.7306 129.938 16.1139 129.938 20.2078ZM144.205 19.3886C144.205 22.0134 142.368 23.4825 139.546 23.4825C136.896 23.4825 134.716 22.223 134.439 19.4097H136.426C136.661 21.0683 137.858 21.8451 139.524 21.8451C141.427 21.8451 142.282 20.7322 142.282 19.4944C142.282 15.3159 134.674 17.7306 134.674 12.2513C134.674 9.90002 136.576 8.36745 139.226 8.36745C141.79 8.36745 143.927 9.60578 144.056 12.5032H142.068C141.897 10.7187 140.743 10.0048 139.205 10.0048C137.388 10.0048 136.597 11.0547 136.597 12.1666C136.597 15.862 144.205 13.6785 144.205 19.3886ZM152.316 13.4896H152.228C151.744 12.5074 150.821 11.9358 149.645 11.9358C146.845 11.9358 145.563 13.8256 145.563 16.8907V18.5281C145.563 21.5932 146.845 23.4825 149.645 23.4825C150.821 23.4825 151.744 22.9109 152.228 21.9293H152.316V23.2729V26.8418H154.112V12.1459H152.316V13.4896ZM149.858 21.9293C148.32 21.9293 147.379 21.0683 147.379 18.4233V16.9955C147.379 14.3501 148.32 13.4896 149.858 13.4896C151.397 13.4896 152.338 14.3501 152.338 16.9955V18.4233C152.338 21.0683 151.397 21.9293 149.858 21.9293ZM162.356 12.1459H164.151V23.2729H162.356V21.8451H162.271C161.843 22.7474 160.924 23.4825 159.493 23.4825C157.377 23.4825 156.073 22.3066 156.073 19.6823V12.1459H157.89V19.4309C157.89 21.2154 158.638 21.9922 159.984 21.9922C161.288 21.9922 162.356 21.1312 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The Field QA Manager role is stationed in Devens, MA and reports to the Senior Manager, Field Quality Assurance for the Devens CTF. This position works on a rotating night shift from 6pm - 6am Oversee performance of QA shop floor activities. Supervise Field Quality Assurance employees. Ensure manufacturing compliance with applicable procedures and batch records. Perform real time review of manufacturing batch records. Review manufacturing shop floor documentation. Must have strong authorship and ability to critically review investigations, interpret results and generate technical conclusions consistent with Quality risk management principles. Must be skilled in planning and organizing, decision-making, and building relationships. Knowledge of quality processes, including material disposition, change control, product complaints, deviations, investigations, and CAPA management. Previous Supervisory/Managerial Experience is preferred. Must be action-oriented and skilled in decision-making, building relationships, problem solving, conflict management, planning and organizing, resource allocation, coaching others, and analytical thinking. Understands continuous improvement and improves efficiency and productivity within the group or project. Builds relationships internally within and with cross functional teams. Must have sound knowledge and experience in FDA regulated cGMP warehousing, Quality, and compliance environments. Prefer to also have knowledge of GMP Manufacturing operations and processes. Directs quality initiatives that accomplish continuous improvement and enhance site quality system efficiencies. Routinely recognizes and resolves Quality issues; Informs management of proposed solutions. Seeks management guidance on complex issues. Able to recognize conflict and notify management with proposed recommendations for resolution. Must possess an independent mindset. Work is self-directed. Requires little direction to complete more complex tasks; completes routine tasks with little or no supervision. Able to provide directions to others within the team. Confident in making decisions for non-routine issues. Develops and revises procedures. Intermediate to advanced ability to interpret results and situations and articulate recommendations for resolution. Able to prepare written communications and communicate problems to management with clarity and accuracy. Able to effectively multi-task. Knowledge of US and global cGMP requirements. Supervisory experience highly preferred. High School Degree required. Relevant college or university degree preferred. Minimum 6+ years relevant work experience, with at least 3 years in a Quality Assurance role. Equivalent combination of education and experience acceptable.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137463608578", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Devens - MA - US", "RequisitionID": "R1584730", "canonical_title": "Shift Manager", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464516068, "name": "Senior Therapeutic Area Specialist, Oncology - Seattle S", "location": "Seattle - WA - US", "locations": ["Seattle - WA - US", "Olympia - WA - US", "Wenatchee - WA - US", "Yakima - WA - US", "Tacoma - WA - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Oncology", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1728656085, "t_create": 1728604800, "ats_job_id": "R1586302", "display_job_id": "R1586302", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586302-ru", "job_description": "Portfolio Promotion Promotes approved indications of BMS products within a defined territory or region to meet or exceed assigned sales targets in a compliant manner. Creates demand for BMS medicines by articulating in a balanced manner the clinical and scientific rationale for use of products in appropriate patients. Engages with and continuously maintains/grows a high level of scientific expertise in all assigned products and therapeutic areas. Prepares and successfully implements comprehensive territory and account plans. Proactively uses available tools such as CE^3 (once implemented) to derive insights and to dynamically inform call plans. Provides feedback on experience using these tools to leadership to enable continuous improvement. Proactively collaborates with other field teams to ensure the best Customer Experience (Cx) for HCPs. Gathers and shares relevant insights and information internally with the appropriate stakeholders to enable BMS to better serve its customers. Work-life programs include paid national holidays and optional holidays, Global Shutdown days between Christmas and New Year's holiday, up to 120 hours of paid vacation, up to two (2) paid days to volunteer, sick time off, and summer hours flexibility. Advanced scientific degree and/or preferred 5+ years of pharmaceutical or biotechnology experience as healthcare sales / MSL / HCP / nurse. Ability to communicate scientific or clinical data accurately and convincingly to help physicians best serve their patients. Demonstrated experience building and maintaining strong credibility with key customers, office staff, and others in the customer influence network via a customer-centric mindset and desire to create positive and differentiated Customer Experience (Cx). Experience in Oncology required. Demonstrated strong capability in account management skill sets, superior selling competencies, and proven sales performance track record of meeting or exceeding goals. Demonstrated ability to work effectively cross-functionally with a positive team mindset and can-do attitude. Strong selling and promotional skills proven through a track record of performance. Customer/commercial mindset Demonstrated ability to drive business results. Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. Demonstrated account management skills and problem-solving mentality. Understands the patient journey and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. Ability to analyze data, such as prescribing patterns, market trends, and HCP preferences. Ability to segment HCPs based on their preferences and other relevant factors. Ability to use CE^3 to generate insights and do dynamic call planning. Ability to use the Medical on Call technology effectively.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464516068", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Seattle - WA - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586302", "canonical_title": "Senior Specialist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464518363, "name": "Senior Therapeutic Area Specialist, Oncology", "location": "Philadelphia - PA - US", "locations": ["Philadelphia - PA - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Immunology + Fibrosis", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1728662752, "t_create": 1728604800, "ats_job_id": "R1586319", "display_job_id": "R1586319", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586319-ru", "job_description": "Portfolio Promotion Promotes approved indications of BMS products within a defined territory or region to meet or exceed assigned sales targets in a compliant manner. Creates demand for BMS medicines by articulating in a balanced manner the clinical and scientific rationale for use of products in appropriate patients. Engages with and continuously maintains/grows a high level of scientific expertise in all assigned products and therapeutic areas. Prepares and successfully implements comprehensive territory and account plans. Proactively uses available tools such as CE^3 (once implemented) to derive insights and to dynamically inform call plans. Provides feedback on experience using these tools to leadership to enable continuous improvement. Fair & Balanced Scientific Dialogue Demonstrates scientific expertise and passion in using approved scientific resources and publications to present information to HCPs and ensures medical accuracy. - Conducts in-office presentations (e.g., lunch and learns) and discusses product-related scientific information with HCPs that is consistent with label. Organizes external speaker programs, selecting speakers from list approved by Speakers Bureau and facilitating scheduling and logistics. Maintains a high level of working expertise on emerging data for approved indications. Engages real-time medical support through Medical on Call to reactively answer unsolicited questions and complex technical inquiries. Proactively collaborates with other field teams to ensure the best Customer Experience (Cx) for HCPs. Gathers and shares relevant insights and information internally with the appropriate stakeholders to enable BMS to better serve its customers. Complies with all laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of BMS. Advanced scientific degree and/or preferred 5+ years of pharmaceutical or biotechnology experience as healthcare sales / MSL / HCP / nurse. Ability to communicate scientific or clinical data accurately and convincingly to help physicians best serve their patients. Demonstrated experience building and maintaining strong credibility with key customers, office staff, and others in the customer influence network via a customer-centric mindset and desire to create positive and differentiated Customer Experience (Cx). Demonstrated strong capability in account management skill sets, superior selling competencies, and proven sales performance track record of meeting or exceeding goals. Demonstrated ability to work effectively cross-functionally with a positive team mindset and can-do attitude. Strong selling and promotional skills proven through a track record of performance. Customer/commercial mindset Demonstrated ability to drive business results. Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. Understands the patient journey and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. Patient centricity Has a patient-focused mindset. Scientific Agility Excellent communication and presentation skills to articulate scientific and clinical data in an easy-to-understand manner to help HCPs best serve their patients. Has a strong learning mindset and passion for science. Prioritizes staying current with the latest data. Analytical Capability: Ability to analyze data, such as prescribing patterns, market trends, and HCP preferences. Data-driven insights help TAS strategize and target their efforts effectively. Ability to segment HCPs based on their preferences and other relevant factors. This helps them tailor their communication and product presentations to suit individual HCP needs. Understanding how to interpret and analyze data related to BMS products, customer preferences, clinical data. Ability to use CE^3 to generate insights and do dynamic call planning. Technological Agility: Understanding, adapting, and effectively using technology in various aspects of healthcare business and interacting with HCPs. Utilizing various digital communication channels such as emails, instant messaging apps, and video conferencing to stay in touch with healthcare professionals, colleagues, and clients. This enables TAS to respond promptly to inquiries, share updates, and maintain effective communication. Competency using CE^3 and other software or CRM tools to collect, enter, and manage quality data in a timely and compliant manner, track interactions, and plan future engagements with healthcare professionals. Ability to use the Medical on Call technology effectively. Keeping up to date with technological advancements and changes.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464518363", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Philadelphia - PA - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586319", "canonical_title": "Senior Specialist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464518706, "name": "2025 Summer Intern Chemical Process Development PhD Student Only", "location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "locations": ["New Brunswick - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Intern", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1728668257, "t_create": 1728604800, "ats_job_id": "R1586323", "display_job_id": "R1586323", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586323-ru", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. At Bristol Myers Squibb, we are inspired by a single vision - transforming patients' lives through science. In oncology, hematology, immunology and cardiovascular disease - and one of the most diverse and promising pipelines in the industry - each of our passionate colleagues contribute to innovations that drive meaningful change. We bring a human touch to every treatment we pioneer. Chemical Process Development (CPD) is a team of organic chemists, analytical chemists, and chemical engineers working together to design novel syntheses from raw materials to supply new medicines to patients. CPD scientists focus on developing safe, economical, sustainable, and robust processes to support clinical trials and the launch of new medicines across various drug modalities including small molecules, peptides, oligonucleotides, and antibody drug conjugates. Our work is driven by innovative science, data-driven decision-making, and collaborative teamwork. The scientific knowledge package from the manufacturing process, design parameters, and control strategies enables regulatory filings to bring these novel medicines to patients worldwide. Summer interns will work with mentors for ~10 weeks on a guided research project within a CPD Project Team. The program is organized to ensure that interns gain valuable industry and functional experience, work on challenging assignments, learn about BMS and meet diverse company representatives. The program will feature: An orientation, including an overview of company structure, products and brands An introduction to the GPS and PD organizations Exposure to senior management and business leaders Formal presentation at the end of your internship A mentor program Formal review and feedback sessions Program Dates: Monday June 2nd, 2025 - Friday, August 8th, 2025 Location: New Brunswick, NJ Please note: interns that will be in-person and reside more than 50 miles away from the work location will receive a housing stipend. Requirements: Candidates must be currently enrolled in an accredited university program seeking a Ph.D. in Chemistry. Must include resume with GPA (3.0 or greater) and a two-page research summary for consideration. Must have good oral/written communication skills and be able to work in a team environment. All candidates must be authorized to work in the US without sponsorship needs now or in the future. Candidates must be a US citizen, have a lawful permanent resident of the US or otherwise authorized to work in the US without requiring sponsorship at this time. BMSEC, BMSINTERN If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464518706", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "New Brunswick - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586323", "canonical_title": "PhD Student", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464518955, "name": "Senior Manufacturing Associate, Cell Therapy Facility", "location": "Devens - MA - US", "locations": ["Devens - MA - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Cell Therapy", "business_unit": "Global Product Development & Supply", "t_update": 1728671254, "t_create": 1728604800, "ats_job_id": "R1586321", "display_job_id": "R1586321", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586321-ru", "job_description": "BMS Cell Therapy Manufacturing seeks Senior Associates within Manufacturing that bring enthusiasm, intellectual curiosity, scientific rigor, and a desire to help drive novel programs. The candidate must be goal-oriented, flexible, and able to work efficiently with safety and quality in mind. We are searching for enthusiastic, and innovative individuals with a good understanding of good manufacturing practices to support routine manufacturing operations for Cell Therapy. operations described in standard operating procedures and batch records. Demonstrates strong practical and theoretical knowledge in their work Execute Completing documentation required by process transfer protocols, validation protocols, standard operating procedures, and batch records. Solves simple problems; takes new perspectives using existing solutions Performs tasks in a manner consistent with the safety policies, quality systems, and GMP requirements. Completing training assignments to ensure the necessary technical skills and knowledge. Assisting in setting up manufacturing areas and equipment/fixtures. Perform facility and equipment commissioning activities. Working with production planning to execute daily unit operations schedule that includes people, product, and material flow across multiple shifts. Work in a cleanroom environment and perform aseptic processing; maintain manufacturing environmental conditions (Non-Viable Particulate(s) and Viable microbial levels per controlled area classification specifications) by performing area disinfection regiment as required to meet global Health Authority requirements. High school diploma and 3+ years of experience in cGMP bioprocessing manufacturing, cell therapy manufacturing or relevant experience Bachelors in relevant science or engineering discipline and relevant experience is strongly preferred Knowledge of cGMP regulations and FDA guidance applicable to biologics and cell therapy manufacturing. Must have the ability to work assigned shift (Day, Night, Weekends and/or Holidays). Must be able to work in a cleanroom environment and perform aseptic processing Must be comfortable being exposed to human blood components. Must be able to be in close proximity to strong magnets. Experience in cell therapy manufacturing, including Cell washing processes and automated equipment. Cell separation techniques and automated equipment. Cryopreservation processes and equipment. Experience in the following preferred: Aseptic processing in ISO 5 biosafety cabinets, universal precautions for handling human derived materials in BSL-2 containment areas. Cell expansion using incubators and single use bioreactors.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464518955", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Devens - MA - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586321", "canonical_title": "Manufacturing Associate", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464508921, "name": "Scientist, Development Engineering, Chemical Process Development", "location": "New Brunswick - NJ", "locations": ["New Brunswick - NJ", "Summit West - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Global Product Development & Supply", "t_update": 1728575757, "t_create": 1728518400, "ats_job_id": "R1586287", "display_job_id": "R1586287", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586287-ru", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Our Chemical Process Development group is a team of organic chemists, analytical chemists, and chemical engineers working together to design novel syntheses from raw materials to supply new medicines to patients. Our scientists focus on developing safe, economical, sustainable, and robust processes to support clinical trials and the launch of new medicines across various drug modalities including small molecules, peptides, oligonucleotides, and antibody drug conjugates. The work is driven by innovative science, data-driven decision-making, and collaborative teamwork. The scientific knowledge package from the manufacturing process, design parameters, and control strategies enables regulatory filings to bring these novel medicines to patients worldwide. Role & Responsibilities: Utilizing chemical engineering fundamentals to perform process development studies within the Development Engineering group in Chemical Process Development. This function encompasses conducting lab scale experimentation, glass-plant and pilot plant trials, modeling, and data analysis in areas of various unit operations including reactions, separations, crystallizations, drying with focus on developing and characterizing synthetic processes to make small molecule active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as technology development to enable process development capabilities. Strong research skills demonstrating experimental design and planning, and applications of characterization, analysis, and modeling techniques from the chemical engineering field. The ability to interact constructively in a team approach to problem solving is important. Experience & Qualifications: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering with 0-2 years of experience or M.S. in Chemical Engineering with 2-4 years of experience, or B.S. in Chemical Engineering with 5-7 years of experience in chemical process development or related background. The individual must have demonstrated ability to identify and solve problems. The successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining a strong safety culture and continually demonstrating core safety values. This position requires work with hazardous chemical agents, which, if improperly handled may have the potential to affect the employee's health, including the reproductive function in men and women, and/or embryo/fetal development. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464508921", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "New Brunswick - NJ", "RequisitionID": "R1586287", "canonical_title": "Scientist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464508930, "name": "Specialist, CAR-T Global Inventory Strategy and Management", "location": "Summit West - NJ - US", "locations": ["Summit West - NJ - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Operations", "business_unit": "Global Product Development & Supply", "t_update": 1728575583, "t_create": 1728518400, "ats_job_id": "R1586286", "display_job_id": "R1586286", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586286-ru", "job_description": "Develop data and metrics across the supply network to monitor performance and identify opportunities for improvement in materials and inventory management. Create and maintain a global set of tools to foster operational efficiency across materials and inventory management, with focus on order management, material transfers, and elimination of expired and obsolete inventory. Drive creation and implementation of safety stock policy in collaboration with global supply chain planners to ensure balance of cost and risk in establishing appropriate inventory levels. Support quarterly review by senior leadership of short and long-term inventory projections covering end-to-end review across the Cell Therapy network. Progress initiatives for the digitization and transformation of the cell therapy business to remove barriers to scale as volumes and complexity grow. Build and maintain positive relationships with all functions across the Cell Therapy network, as well as with external customers and stakeholders. Lead process improvements by maintaining open communication with all teams and fostering environment of cooperation in which to achieve shared goals. Bachelor's required. 0-2 years relevant experience with materials management and/or supply chain within cGMP operations. Technical and analytical ability to extract, analyze, synthesize, and interpret complex data. Experience with Excel (pivot tables, macros), Tableau and Smartsheets desired. Understanding of Oracle, SAP or other ERP systems desired. Strong organizational and time management skills. Ability to work well in a team environment with a positive attitude that is willing to assist other areas of the organization. Excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as strong focus and attention to detail. Independent and self-starting. Curious, inquisitive, and interested to learn more about Supply Chain, Operations Planning and Cell Therapy.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464508930", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Summit West - NJ - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586286", "canonical_title": "Inventory Specialist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464510277, "name": "Sr. Therapeutic Area Specialist, Hematology", "location": "Field - United States - US", "locations": ["Field - United States - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Hematology", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1728585080, "t_create": 1728518400, "ats_job_id": "R1586202", "display_job_id": "R1586202", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586202-ru", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Position: Sr. Therapeutic Area Specialist, Hematology Location: Field At Bristol Myers Squibb, we are inspired by a single vision - transforming patients' lives through science. The BMS Mission is to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases. In oncology, hematology, immunology and cardiovascular disease - and one of the most diverse and promising pipelines in the industry - each of our passionate colleagues contribute to innovations that drive meaningful change. We bring a human touch to every treatment we pioneer. Join us, build your professional career within one of the most innovative bio-pharma companies, and make a difference. Position Summary The TAS is a critical role in our unique customer model to execute the BMS aspiration to be the BioPharma that delivers the most impactful engagement with Health Care Providers (HCPs), driving adoption of new and existing medicines for appropriate patients. The primary role of the TAS is to drive demand for BMS medicines within their portfolio for the appropriate patients. To meet the HCPs expectations, the TAS engages them with a differentiated Customer Experience (Cx) through deeper scientific dialogue on and consistent with label, leveraging new ways of working and CE^3. The role builds and maintains strong professional credibility with regional thought leaders (RTLs) and community-based physicians/HCPs in private practice, medical groups practices, office staff, and other stakeholders in the patient care continuum as their primary point of contact. The TAS liaises with other BMS functions as needed to deliver an overall higher Customer Experience (Cx) - by meeting HCP needs in a timely and scientific manner. This role will prioritize the safe and appropriate use of BMS products while also focusing on overall business results and performance objectives while exemplifying BMS values. The TAS role is field-based. A TAS is anticipated to spend 100% of their time in the field with external customers. Key Responsibilities Portfolio Promotion \\- Promotes approved indications of BMS products within a defined territory or region to meet or exceed assigned sales targets in a compliant manner. \\- Creates demand for BMS medicines by articulating in a balanced manner the clinical and scientific rationale for use of products in appropriate patients. \\- Engages with and continuously maintains/grows a high level of scientific expertise in all assigned products and therapeutic areas. \\- Prepares and successfully implements comprehensive territory and account plans. \\- Proactively uses available tools such as CE^3 (once implemented) to derive insights and to dynamically inform call plans. Provides feedback on experience using these tools to leadership to enable continuous improvement. Fair & Balanced Scientific Dialogue \\- Demonstrates scientific expertise and passion in using approved scientific resources and publications to present information to HCPs and ensures medical accuracy. \\- Conducts in-office presentations (e.g., lunch and learns) and discusses product-related scientific information with HCPs that is consistent with label. \\- Organizes external speaker programs, selecting speakers from list approved by Speakers Bureau and facilitating scheduling and logistics. \\- Maintains a high level of working expertise on emerging data for approved indications. \\- Engages real-time medical support through Medical on Call to reactively answer unsolicited questions and complex technical inquiries. Cross-functional collaboration \\- Proactively collaborates with other field teams to ensure the best Customer Experience (Cx) for HCPs. \\- Gathers and shares relevant insights and information internally with the appropriate stakeholders to enable BMS to better serve its customers. Complies with all laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of BMS. Required Qualifications & Experience \\- Advanced scientific degree and/or preferred 5+ years of pharmaceutical or biotechnology experience as healthcare sales / MSL / HCP / nurse. \\- Ability to communicate scientific or clinical data accurately and convincingly to help physicians best serve their patients. \\- Demonstrated experience building and maintaining strong credibility with key customers, office staff, and others in the customer influence network via a customer-centric mindset and desire to create positive and differentiated Customer Experience (Cx). \\- Experience in [TA name] required. \\- Demonstrated strong capability in account management skill sets, superior selling competencies, and proven sales performance track record of meeting or exceeding goals. \\- Demonstrated ability to work effectively cross-functionally with a positive team mindset and can-do attitude. \\- Strong selling and promotional skills proven through a track record of performance. Key competencies desired Customer/commercial mindset \\- Demonstrated ability to drive business results. \\- Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. \\- Demonstrated account management skills and problem-solving mentality. Understands the patient journey and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. \\- Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. Patient centricity \\- Understands the patient journey and experience. \\- Has a patient-focused mindset. Scientific Agility \\- Excellent communication and presentation skills to articulate scientific and clinical data in an easy-to-understand manner to help HCPs best serve their patients. \\- Has a strong learning mindset and passion for science. Prioritizes staying current with the latest data. Analytical Capability: \\- Ability to analyze data, such as prescribing patterns, market trends, and HCP preferences. Data-driven insights help TAS strategize and target their efforts effectively. Ability to segment HCPs based on their preferences and other relevant factors. This helps them tailor their communication and product presentations to suit individual HCP needs. Understanding how to interpret and analyze data related to BMS products, customer preferences, clinical data. Ability to use CE^3 to generate insights and do dynamic call planning. Technological Agility: \\- Understanding, adapting, and effectively using technology in various aspects of healthcare business and interacting with HCPs. - Utilizing various digital communication channels such as emails, instant messaging apps, and video conferencing to stay in touch with healthcare professionals, colleagues, and clients. This enables TAS to respond promptly to inquiries, share updates, and maintain effective communication. Competency using CE^3 and other software or CRM tools to collect, enter, and manage quality data in a timely and compliant manner, track interactions, and plan future engagements with healthcare professionals. \\- Ability to use the Medical on Call technology effectively. \\- Keeping up to date with technological advancements and changes. Teamwork/Enterprise mindset \\- Strong business acumen to understand and analyze business and market drivers and develop, execute, and adjust business plans. \\- Demonstrates a strong sense of learning agility. Seeks out and learns from unfamiliar experiences, and then applies those lessons to achieve better results in subsequent situations. \\- Track record of balancing individual drive and collaborative attitude. \\- Holds a high level of integrity and good judgment, in order to navigate the requirements of the role effectively and compliantly in accordance with BMS policies and procedures. As this position requires the operation of a Company-provided vehicle, offers of employment are contingent upon the candidate meeting the requirements of \u201cQualified Driver,\u201d as determined by the Company in its sole discretion, including but not limited to the following: 1) at least 21 years of age; 2) a driver's license in good standing issued by your state of residence; and, 3) a driving risk level deemed acceptable by the Company. Why You Should Apply Around the world, we are passionate about impacting the lives of patients with serious diseases. Empowered to apply our individual talents and diverse perspectives in an inclusive culture, our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion, and integrity bring out our colleagues' highest potential. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Physical presence at the BMS worksite or physical presence in the field is an essential job function of this role which the Company deems critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, employee well-being and engagement, and enhances the Company culture. If you join the BMS Team as the TAS, there will be plenty of opportunities to develop your professional within the commercial and medical organization To protect the safety of our workforce, customers, patients and communities, the policy of the Company requires all employees and workers in the U.S. and Puerto Rico to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they have received an exception based on an approved request for a medical or religious reasonable accommodation. Therefore, all BMS applicants seeking a role located in the U.S. and Puerto Rico must confirm that they have already received or are willing to receive the full COVID-19 vaccination by their start date as a qualification of the role and condition of employment. This requirement is subject to state and local law restrictions and may not be applicable to employees working in certain jurisdictions such as Montana. This requirement is also subject to discussions with collective bargaining representatives in the U.S. Our company is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request an approval of accommodation prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodation in completing this application or if you are applying to a role based in the U.S. or Puerto Rico and you believe that you are unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccine due to a medical condition or sincerely held religious belief, during or any part of the recruitment process, please direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464510277", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Field - United States - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586202", "canonical_title": "Senior Specialist", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464510297, "name": "District Business Manager, Oncology", "location": "Field - United States - US", "locations": ["Field - United States - US", "LONG ISLAND - NY - US", "Brooklyn - NY - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1728586101, "t_create": 1728518400, "ats_job_id": "R1586290", "display_job_id": "R1586290", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586290-ru", "job_description": "Working with Us Challenging. Meaningful. Life-changing. Those aren't words that are usually associated with a job. But working at Bristol Myers Squibb is anything but usual. Here, uniquely interesting work happens every day, in every department. From optimizing a production line to the latest breakthroughs in cell therapy, this is work that transforms the lives of patients, and the careers of those who do it. You'll get the chance to grow and thrive through opportunities uncommon in scale and scope, alongside high-achieving teams rich in diversity. Take your career farther than you thought possible. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Read more: careers.bms.com/working-with-us. Position: District Business Manager (DBM) Therapeutic Area (TA): Immunology - Oncology Location: US Field At Bristol Myers Squibb, we are inspired by a single vision - transforming patients' lives through science. The BMS Mission is to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases. In oncology, hematology, immunology, and cardiovascular disease - and one of the most diverse and promising pipelines in the industry - each of our passionate colleagues contribute to innovations that drive meaningful change. We bring a human touch to every treatment we pioneer. Join us, build your professional career within one of the most innovative bio-pharma companies, and make a difference. Position Summary The District Business Manager is a critical role in our unique customer model to execute the BMS aspiration to be the BioPharma that delivers the most impactful engagement with Health Care Providers (HCPs), driving adoption of new and existing medicines for appropriate patients. The primary role of the DBM is to be accountable for leading, coaching, and motivating a team of approximately 6- 10 TASs to drive the adoption of BMS assigned Oncology portfolio and generate demand. The DBM is accountable for coaching of TASs on specific learning objectives (selling skills, scientific engagement, and use of digital capabilities) and for ensuring continuous improvement in the core skills of their team. The DBM also plays a leadership role in business and account planning and championing the utilization of new digital capabilities and tools such as Medical on Call and CE^3. We are looking for leaders who can inspire and motivate a team to reach and exceed business goals while maximizing their growth and development potential. The DBM is aligned to accounts and covers all tumor types/products in sleeve. The DBM reports to the Regional Business Director and works collaboratively across matrix of Commercial, Medical, Access organizations, for example Scientific Engagement Partner (SEP), and Field Access Manager (FAM) and other field roles in the new Commercialization model to appropriately address customer needs and ensure that BMS delivers on set sales targets. The DBM role is field-based. A DBM is anticipated to spend 100% of their time in the field with TASs, depending on the geographic area. Key Responsibilities Focused in-role coaching and developing of TASs \\- Coach TASs on specific competencies and learning objectives (e.g., scientific agility, customer/commercial mindset, change agility & teamwork/enterprise mindset). DBMs will conduct selected ride-alongs with TASs for the most important HCPs\u200b as relevant, according to coaching plan. \\- Ownership for TASs learning journey and accountable for ensuring continuous improvement in core skills and behavior (e.g., scientific agility, patient mindset, digital agility, analytical mindset)\u200b. Champion adoption of new capabilities (e.g., CE^3 analytics, content personalization) \\- Understand and role model new capabilities and tools\u200b e.g., sharing knowledge, information, insights and experiences with new tools with the TAS team. \\- Effectively coach TASs on how to appropriately leverage CE^3 insights to guide call planning and call preparation. - Regularly convene field team to exchange experiences, collect feedback, proactively coach on change leadership, and encourage adoption of capabilities and new ways of working\u200b. Execute strategic planning activities (e.g., promo program planning, budget planning, tumor prioritization at HCP level) \\- Engage with relevant insights to prioritize accounts and develop strategies for key accounts. \\- Ensure continues customer experience improvement - Lead financial and program planning for district Comply with all laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of BMS. Required Qualifications & Experience \\- Bachelor's degree or equivalent with a minimum of 5 years of pharmaceutical industry experience or other related industry experience. \\- Prior experience as a District Business Manager in Pharmaceutical Sales, or equivalent experience in leading and managing high-performing teams is strongly preferred. \\- Pharma experience is strongly preferred, including an understanding of reimbursement processes, access, and distribution environment. \\- Proven track record of inspiring and leading teams to meet or exceed expectations and goals. \\- Proven successful track record of selecting, developing, and retaining talented individuals. \\- Previous experience that has required the use of analytical skills, selling skills, development of strong business acumen, and working knowledge of the pharmaceutical value chain. As this position requires the operation of a Company-provided vehicle, offers of employment are contingent upon the candidate meeting the requirements of \u201cQualified Driver,\u201d as determined by the Company in its sole discretion, including but not limited to the following: 1) at least 21 years of age; 2) a driver's license in good standing issued by your state of residence; and 3) a driving risk level deemed acceptable by the Company. Key competencies desired Coaching mindset: \\- Understands TASs learning journey and takes responsibility for ensuring continuous improvement of TASs skills. \\- Ability to coach TASs in core competencies: (e.g., scientific agility, customer experience, patient centricity and mindset, digital agility, analytical mindset). Customer/commercial mindset: \\- Demonstrated ability to drive business results. Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. Demonstrated account management skills and problem-solving mentality. Understands the flow of patients through practice and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. Scientific agility: \\- Expertise in TA. Excellent communication and presentation skills to articulate scientific and clinical data in an easy-to-understand manner to help HCPs best serve their patients. Has a strong learning mindset and passion for science. Prioritizes staying current with the latest data. Change agility: \\- Enthusiasm to adopt and champion new ways of working. Demonstrates a strong sense of learning agility. Seeks out and learns from unfamiliar experiences, and then applies those lessons to achieve better results in subsequent situations. Analytical mindset: \\- Ability to use data insights to inform engagement. \\- Ability to run more focused strategic planning. \\- Digital mindset - adept at using digital tools. Teamwork/Enterprise mindset: \\- Ability to lead across the matrix. Strong business acumen to understand and analyze business and market drivers and develop, execute, and adjust business plans. Track record of balancing individual drive and collaborative attitude. Why You Should Apply Around the world, we are passionate about impacting the lives of patients with serious diseases. Empowered to apply our individual talents and diverse perspectives in an inclusive culture, our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion, and integrity bring out our colleagues' highest potential. Bristol Myers Squibb recognizes the importance of balance and flexibility in our work environment. We offer a wide variety of competitive benefits, services and programs that provide our employees with the resources to pursue their goals, both at work and in their personal lives. Physical presence at the BMS worksite or physical presence in the field is an essential job function of this role which the Company deems critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, employee well-being and engagement, and enhances the Company culture. If you join the BMS Team as the DBM, there will be plenty of opportunities to develop your professional within the commercial and medical organisation. Our company is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request an approval of accommodation prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodation in completing this application or if you are applying to a role based in the U.S. or Puerto Rico, please direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. If you come across a role that intrigues you but doesn't perfectly line up with your resume, we encourage you to apply anyway. You could be one step away from work that will transform your life and career. Uniquely Interesting Work, Life-changing Careers With a single vision as inspiring as \u201cTransforming patients' lives through science\u2122 \u201d, every BMS employee plays an integral role in work that goes far beyond ordinary. Each of us is empowered to apply our individual talents and unique perspectives in an inclusive culture, promoting diversity in clinical trials, while our shared values of passion, innovation, urgency, accountability, inclusion and integrity bring out the highest potential of each of our colleagues. On-site Protocol BMS has a diverse occupancy structure that determines where an employee is required to conduct their work. This structure includes site-essential, site-by-design, field-based and remote-by-design jobs. The occupancy type that you are assigned is determined by the nature and responsibilities of your role: Site-essential roles require 100% of shifts onsite at your assigned facility. Site-by-design roles may be eligible for a hybrid work model with at least 50% onsite at your assigned facility. For these roles, onsite presence is considered an essential job function and is critical to collaboration, innovation, productivity, and a positive Company culture. For field-based and remote-by-design roles the ability to physically travel to visit customers, patients or business partners and to attend meetings on behalf of BMS as directed is an essential job function. BMS is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities can excel through a transparent recruitment process, reasonable workplace accommodations/adjustments and ongoing support in their roles. Applicants can request a reasonable workplace accommodation/adjustment prior to accepting a job offer. If you require reasonable accommodations/adjustments in completing this application, or in any part of the recruitment process, direct your inquiries to adastaffingsupport@bms.com. Visit careers.bms.com/eeo-accessibility to access our complete Equal Employment Opportunity statement. BMS cares about your well-being and the well-being of our staff, customers, patients, and communities. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that all employees be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 and keep up to date with Covid-19 boosters. BMS will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, pursuant to applicable laws in your area. If you live in or expect to work from Los Angeles County if hired for this position, please visit this page for important additional information: https://careers.bms.com/california-residents/ Any data processed in connection with role applications will be treated in accordance with applicable data privacy policies and regulations.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.bms.com/careers/job/137464510297", "isPrivate": false, "custom_data": {"location": "Field - United States - US", "RequisitionID": "R1586290", "canonical_title": "Manager Business", "straight_line_distance": null}}, {"id": 137464510303, "name": "Senior Therapeutic Area Specialist, Oncology", "location": "Field - United States - US", "locations": ["Field - United States - US", "Jefferson City - MO - US", "St. Louis - MO - US", "Columbia - MO - US", "Springfield - MO - US"], "hot": 0, "department": "Not Applicable", "business_unit": "Commercialization", "t_update": 1728585644, "t_create": 1728518400, "ats_job_id": "R1586291", "display_job_id": "R1586291", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R1586291-ru", "job_description": "Portfolio Promotion Promotes approved indications of BMS products within a defined territory or region to meet or exceed assigned sales targets in a compliant manner. Creates demand for BMS medicines by articulating in a balanced manner the clinical and scientific rationale for use of products in appropriate patients. Engages with and continuously maintains/grows a high level of scientific expertise in all assigned products and therapeutic areas. Prepares and successfully implements comprehensive territory and account plans. Proactively uses available tools such as CE^3 (once implemented) to derive insights and to dynamically inform call plans. Provides feedback on experience using these tools to leadership to enable continuous improvement. Proactively collaborates with other field teams to ensure the best Customer Experience (Cx) for HCPs. Gathers and shares relevant insights and information internally with the appropriate stakeholders to enable BMS to better serve its customers. Complies with all laws, regulations, and policies that govern the conduct of BMS. Advanced scientific degree and/or preferred 5+ years of pharmaceutical or biotechnology experience as healthcare sales / MSL / HCP / nurse. Ability to communicate scientific or clinical data accurately and convincingly to help physicians best serve their patients. Demonstrated experience building and maintaining strong credibility with key customers, office staff, and others in the customer influence network via a customer-centric mindset and desire to create positive and differentiated Customer Experience (Cx). Experience in [TA name] required. Demonstrated strong capability in account management skill sets, superior selling competencies, and proven sales performance track record of meeting or exceeding goals. Demonstrated ability to work effectively cross-functionally with a positive team mindset and can-do attitude. Strong selling and promotional skills proven through a track record of performance. Customer/commercial mindset Demonstrated ability to drive business results. Experience identifying, engaging, and cultivating credibility with customers across the patient care journey. Demonstrated account management skills and problem-solving mentality. Understands the patient journey and can customize engagement and deliver tailored messages. Demonstrated resourcefulness and ability to connect with customers. Ability to analyze data, such as prescribing patterns, market trends, and HCP preferences. Ability to segment HCPs based on their preferences and other relevant factors. Ability to use CE^3 to generate insights and do dynamic call planning. 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